Chapter 5 ~ The green-eyed boy

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After my little... meeting with Hanji, I decided to walk around the headquarters and explore a bit. It was an old castle so obviously it was pretty big. A lot of the stuff looked the same. There were multiple hallways with the same-looking doors, except for what I'm guessing is Commander Erwin's office/room. It was bigger and fancier.

I was walking down yet another hallway when I heard a commotion near-by. Running and yelling was coming my way.

"Give it back!"


I stood in the middle of the hallway, confused, when a two-toned-hair boy ran past me. I think he's being chased. I watched him continue to run off when I heard more yelling.

"Get back here, horse-face!"

I dismissed it and continued walking. I was about to turn a corner when I felt a huge impact push me to the ground.

I looked up and noticed that it was yet another boy. He looked up at me and quickly got up and off of me. "I-I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." He apologized and offered me his hand to stand up. I gladly took it.

"It's okay, no big deal." I smiled at him, finally getting a good look at him. He had brunette hair, tan skin, and the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. Such a beautiful color of green... He furrowed his brows a bit in what looked like confusion.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around here before." He said.

"Yeah, I just joined. Today's my first day." I told him.

"Well that explains it." He smiled. "I'm Eren, by the way."

"I'm Sophie, it's nice to meet you."

"Well, Sophie, it's about lunch time if you want to come to the mess hall with me to eat with me and my friends." He kindly offered.

"Sure, I'd love to." I said. "But who was that that you were just chasing?"

"Oh, him?" He scowled. "That was horse-face Jean. He stole my key necklace."

"Ohh, okay." I said. "Well should we get going?"

"Yeah, let's go." He said. It wasn't long before we got to the mess hall. It was bustling with the chatter of soldiers but not too rowdy. I noticed the higher-ups sitting at a table in the back. Hanji noticed me and extended her arm all the way up to wave at me. I giggled and waved back. My dad just looked at her and scowled. Hehe, typical.

Eren led me to where we would get our food and then to a table that I guessed were filled with his friends that he mentioned earlier.

"Every one, this is Sophie. Sophie, this is Armin, Sasha, Connie, Reiner, Bertholdt, Christa, and Ymir." Eren introduced.

"It's nice to meet you, Sophie!" Armin smiled at me. "Did you just join?"

"Yes actually, today is my first day." I smiled back at him, sitting down in between him and Eren.

"Armin, where's Mikasa?" Eren asked him.

"Right here." I heard a monotone voice behind me. "And here's your key."

I turned around and there was a girl with shoulder-length black hair and a red scarf around her neck. In one hand she held Eren's key necklace and in the other a pouting Jean.

"Oh, thanks." Eren said and slipped the key necklace around his neck.

"Sophie, this is Mikasa, my adopted sister. Mikasa, this is Sophie. She just joined today." Eren said.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled at her. She looked at me for a second before replying.

"Nice to meet you." She said quietly and went to get her food.

"So, Sophie, where did you come from?" Connie asked me.

"Ohh... umm..." I hesitated. I don't know if people above ground actually even know of the Underground. If they do, I'm sure they know its bad reputation. Should I tell them the truth?

"Sophie, you okay?" Eren asked me.

"Oh, um, yeah! I'm fine." I answered quickly. Oh well. They'll just have to like me for who I am and if not then it's their loss. "I'm from the Underground."

The table went silent. I saw a little mix of shock and pity in a several eyes. I guess they do know about it after all...

"You know, I heard that Captain Levi is actually from there, too." Reiner said. "I hear Commander Erwin was the one who went down there and forced him to join the Survey Corps."

"Actually..." I said and everybody looked at me. "The captain's my dad."

Everybody's faces were the most shocked than I have ever seen from anyone in my entire life. They just stared at me wide-eyed, some mouths slightly agape.

"You mean... Captain Levi...?" Eren asked skeptically from beside me.

"Yep." I answered.

"Wait." Jean said. "So what has he been doing here this whole time?"

"When I was two years old, my mother died from a disease. When I was five, my dad left with a couple of friends on a job and ended up joining the Survey Corps. He promised he'd come back but was too scared to come back and find out that something bad had happened to me." I told them.

"It must have been hard living on your own down there." Eren said sadly.

"It could be." I agreed with him. "But even as a little girl, my dad trained me to fight and be strong so I could survive in the Underground and be okay by myself when he left."

"Well, we're glad you're here now." Christa sweetly smiled at me.

"Yeah! You're one of us now! Let us know if you ever need anything!" Sasha excitingly said, her face full of food. I giggled.

"Thank you, guys." I said. This place is starting to feel like home.

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