Chapter 11 ~ Talks

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Eren and I walked to lunch and sat with our usual group. The whole time I felt a dark aura being directed towards me but I just chose to ignore it. The rest of the day passed by at a normal pace and included more training for the Special Ops squad. I was able to take down Eren in hand-to-hand combat but not my dad. I may be an Ackerman and his daughter and all, but he's still Humanity's Strongest.

During dinner I felt the same feeling I did during lunch. Eren asked me if I was okay but I just told him I was fine. I didn't want to worry him or have him get involved if something were actually going on. He offered to walk me back to my room after dinner but I kindly declined. I needed some space to think.

What is going on? Did something happen? Did I do something-

"Hey." A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned around and saw Mikasa. I smiled at her.

"Oh, hey, Mikasa. What's up?" I said.

"We need to talk." She said bluntly and glared at me.

"O-okay." I replied. I hope I haven't done anything... "Do you want to go outside?"

She didn't say anything back but simply started walking in the direction of the headquarter's entrance.

We walked a little into the field and I decided to start. "So what did you want to talk about?" I smiled at her again.

"I want you to stay away from Eren." She said with a dark glare.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. I haven't done anything to him have I?

"You're just going to end up hurting him." She said.

"Mikasa, what do you mean?"

"You're just an Underground rat. You're only going to cause trouble for him." That snapped something in me but I managed to hold it back. Underground rat? I'm not like the rest of them!

"Listen, Mikasa, I'm sorry if I've done anything to upset you, but I have no intentions of hurting Eren." I said, looking her sincerely in the eyes. "I understand what you mean, but I'm not like the rest of them down there." She was silent for a second. "I understand that you want to protect him and all, but don't you think he has the liberty to choose who he wants to be friends with?"

She was silent and avoided my eyes. Finally she spoke up and looked at me with a dark glare. "I don't trust you. You should know that." She said. "You will not get in my way."

Her "way"? What does she mean?

"What are you talking about, Mikasa?" I asked, confused again.

"You're no good for him." She said. "And I hope you figure that out before I realize it even more." With that, she walked off back to HQ. I was left there alone, thinking to myself.

I know she wants to protect him and all, but I would never even dream of hurting Eren. Or any of them. Not even her. I looked above into the night sky. I'll show her. I'm not like the rest of them.

Eren's POV

I stood at the entrance of HQ. I'd been here the whole time, listening to Sophie and Mikasa's conversation. I know Sophie said that she was fine and that I didn't need to walk her back to her room after dinner, but I could tell that something was wrong. So I followed her and stayed to listen to their conversation to see if it had anything to do with why she was acting a little strange.

It concerned me, but I felt something else, too. What was it? Wait! Is it possible that I could be developing feelings for Sophie? Get ahold of yourself, Eren! She just got here and plus, she's the captain's daughter. Who knows what I'd have to go through. I thought to myself. But... she's worth it... I felt a warm blush creep onto my cheeks as I thought that last part to myself.

Soon enough Mikasa came through the doors, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Mikasa." I said and she quickly turned around, seemingly surprised to see me there.

"Eren!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"I think I should be the one asking you that." I said and she seemed confused for a second. "What was that all about?"

"What are you talking about, Eren?" She asked, playing innocent.

"You and Sophie. What was that conversation about? I heard it all." She seemed surprised but also like she was about to cover up.

"Nothing. We were just chatting." She answered.

"It sure didn't seem like it." I said and she avoided my gaze. "Mikasa, Sophie isn't like the rest of the people in the Underground. She's sweet, and caring, and nice. You can't just judge people based off of where they came from."

"She's no good for you, Eren." Mikasa said.

"No, she is." I told her, looking her dead in the eyes. "Besides, you don't get to choose who I do or don't hang out with." She was silent for a few seconds.

"I just want to protect you." She said softly.

"I appreciate that, but there's no reason to protect me from Sophie." I said. "What do you have against her?" She didn't reply for a few seconds. I thought she was going to say something but she just walked off. I sighed to myself.

I know Sophie would never hurt me. Why would she? Sure, she's the Captain Levi's daughter, but she's almost nothing like him. She's amazing. I shook my head and started to make my way down to the dungeon to go to bed. Mikasa will just have to realize that. And even if she doesn't, I still have Sophie.

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