Chapter 17 ~ Broken

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I woke up in an unfamiliar white room. There were curtains surrounding me so I couldn't tell where I was exactly. I was laying on a bed with bandages around my torso and arms. I reached up to feel my head and there were bandages there, too. "I see you're finally awake." Somebody said. I looked up to see Hanji.

"Hanji, where am I?" I asked her, a bit confused.

"You're in the infirmary. You've been out for the past two days." She said.

"I've what?!" I've been asleep for that long?!

"You hit your head pretty hard." She said. "You have a minor concussion and large and medium gashes along your back and arms."

That's right. The female titan threw me into the tree... Then my squad members... they-

"Hey, what's wrong?" Hanji sympathetically asked and sat down beside me. I hadn't realized until now that I was starting to cry.

"My squad... they..." I couldn't finish my sentence before crying again. Hanji pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back.

"Hey, it's okay. It's not your fault." She spoke softly.

"Hanji, where's my dad?" I pulled away and looked at her.

"He's in his office." She answered. "He's been cooped up in there the past two days extremely anxious because of your not waking up. I'll go get him."

A couple minutes later I heard footsteps running down the hallway. My dad then burst into the room. He rushed to me and hugged me tightly. "I was so worried." He said weakly, almost on the verge of tears. I hugged him back.

"I'm okay, I promise." I said. He pulled back and gave me a small smile. "So, how'd the expedition end up?"

"It was bad." He looked down gravely. "We lost a lot of soldiers and the female titan got away."

"She what?!" I asked.

"She got away." He repeated. "But we might know who she really is."

Good. As long as we have a start. I thought. Then something, or someone else, came to my

"Dad, what happened to Eren?" I asked. I was pretty worried because there was no sign of him once I woke up in the forest.

"He's alright." My dad answered and I sighed in relief. "He shifted into a titan to try and take down the female titan, but failed. We got him back and he was only weak. He's fine now and in his cell if you want to go see him."

I nodded and he helped me up from the bed. I then made my way down to the dungeon. I was happy to see him and know that he was at least alive after what happened.

I came to the cell that he was supposed to be in and was about to call out to him when I saw yet another sight that I never wanted or expected to see.

It was Eren.

And Mikasa.


She was siting on the edge of the bed with her hands on either side of his face, pulling him closer and kissing him. My eyes started filling with tears once more and my throat felt like it was closing up.

"E...Eren...?" I managed out.

His eyes immediately shot open and looked towards me. He had a look of pure shock on his face and quickly pushed Mikasa off and tried to come to me. "Sophie! It's not what it looks like!" He anxiously said. Mikasa was smirking at me from where she still sat on the bed.

I shook my head and ran up the stairs and out of the dungeon. My destination was my room. I heard Eren call out my name but I ignored it. Why wasn't he going chase after me? Oh right, Mikasa probably locked the cell door.

I ran as fast as I could with my knees weak and my eyes profusely leaking tears. My head was pounding and my injuries were aching all over but I didn't care. I had to keep going.

I finally made it to my room and locked the door. My knees finally gave out and I fell to the floor, feeling my heart break into tiny little pieces, each one shattering. Everything felt broken. I felt broken.

First half of my family dies, and now one of the people that I trusted the most just cheated on me, betrayed me.

I covered my mouth to muffle my sobs to not draw attention from outside my room. I couldn't believe and didn't want to believe what was happening. My world felt like it was crumbling apart and I could feel each individual piece breaking down bit by bit. My tears felt like waterfalls and my sobs felt like screams.

I eventually calmed down and weakly stood up from where I was on the floor. I felt determination grow inside of me.

I need to do something about this.

Eren's POV

Sophie ran out of the dungeon as fast as she could with tears in her eyes. I called out after her but Mikasa held me back from going after her. "Don't go." She said. "I'm much better for you than she is." I roughly shook her off.

"No, you're not! This is all your fault!" I yelled at her.

"What are you two brats fighting about?" We heard a stoic voice from behind us. I turned around to see Captain Levi.

"Captain!" I exclaimed and saluted.

"Ackerman, what are you doing down here?" He asked Mikasa.

"Just talking to my brother." She said slyly. Ohhh no, you're not getting away after what you did.

"That's a lie and you know it!" I yelled at her.

"Jaeger!" The captain yelled. "What is going on?!"

I have no choice.

Sophie's POV

I grabbed a bag and started to pack all of my personal belongings in there. I packed a change of clothes and a picture of me and my dad that Hanji took a while back. I looked at it and felt a few tears fall from my eyes from knowing that I was about to leave him and the rest of my family.

I didn't want to leave everybody. My dad... Hanji... Armin... Commander Erwin... The 104th... There were so many people that were reasons for me to stay. But I just couldn't. I had family die and then family betray me back-to-back. Is this how it's supposed to be? Is this what family is like? Is this what this world is like? At least here?

I finished packing my bag and put it on my back. On my bed I left a single note. It simply said 'Thank you'.

I sneaked out of my room and quietly shut my door. I quietly walked to the storage room and grabbed a set of 3DMG. I would use my own but it was most likely thrown away or still under construction due to it smoking and all on the expedition. I put it on and quietly walked out of HQ with my cloak's hood on.

I made it out of HQ successfully not being noticed. I walked to the stables to get my horse. She was spooked a bit due to it being a bit late. "Hey, shh, it's okay it's only me." I comfortingly pet her mane and she calmed down. "Come on, let's go."

I got on top of her and made my way towards the Wall Maria. Before HQ was out of sight, I turned around to look at it one last time.

Goodbye, my family.

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