4- No Kisses Yet

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"Hey, Neil," JJ called from the kitchen. She wiped her hands on her apron as he came into view. She smiled at him as he stepped towards her. "Hey I need you to taste this for me. Just to make sure I'm not making it too spicy for Lara."

"Ah, I told you..." he whispered as he gently placed a hand on her waist. "You didn't have to cook for us." JJ picked up the spoon and raised it to his lips. "Is it hot?"

"No, I'm pretty sure it's cooled down."

"You're not going to try and burn my mouth for revenge, are you? For not kissing you?" JJ rolled her eyes.

"I think I can live for another week till our date for you to kiss me." He chuckled as leaned in, tasting the sauce on the spoon. "How is it?" she asked nervously.

Neil smiled as he placed his other hand on her waist. He pulled her in closer, her chest firmly against his. "It's wonderful. You really didn't have to go out your way to make dinner for us. Leaning down, he kissed the top of her head. JJ closed her eyes, feeling his warm lips on her skin. She then felt him lean his forehead against hers.

"Daddy, I-"

Neil quickly pulled away and turned around to his daughter. "Yeah sweety?" He cleared his throat as he watched Lara walk up to him.

"Daddy I need new colouring pencils. They keep breaking." She held her hand in front of him, showing him the two blunt pencils. "I sharpen them and they keep breaking." She glanced back at JJ who was staring into the pot of sauce.

"Okay, Daddy will buy you new ones soon okay? Just use the other colours." She frowned but nodded her head. "I love you, Tesoro."

"Love you too Daddy."

Lara walked away, going back to the sitting room where her colouring pencils lay on the coffee table. The small dustbin sat beside her so she didn't have to keep getting up and travel to the other end of the room. Once she had sorted out the colouring pencils, placing the ones that sharpened properly on her right and the ones that didn't on her left, she turned the page and started coluring.

Neil slowly turned around to JJ who was gently stirring the Bolognese sauce. She had a small frown on her face as she reached for the chopped parsley. He sighed as she straightened up.

"JJ, I just want to say-"

"It's fine." He frowned as he neared her. "Don't do that." She finally looked up at him. "You literally pushed me away like I was dirt, Neil." His mouth opened but nothing came out. He released another sigh and closed his eyes. When he opened them he found her still staring at him, her gaze harsh.

He shook his head. JJ glanced at him as he extended his arm out. She pulled back before he could place it on her hips. "JJ," he whispered. "I meant no harm by it. I am so, so sorry. I just...I haven't had a talk with her about dating someone again and...trust me, JJ, I want nothing more than to be able to hold you and kiss you in front of her but it's only been a week and I-"

"It's fine," she whispered. She watched him open his mouth but shook her head. After giving him a small smile, she picked up the spoon. "It's okay. I get it." She didn't but she hated confrontation and wanted the evening to go as she planned; relaxed and happy.

"I'm sorry," Neil said as he looked down at her. "I'm so sorry."

"Neil it's fine. Now let me just get the plates out and then we can eat something."

* * *

"Hey," Neil whispered. He looked down at JJ who was resting her head on his shoulder. She looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you so much for today."

"It's okay," she whispered. "I had a nice time with you both." He glanced down at her lips and back to her. The light from the television radiated across her face. Her light eyes were bright even though she had drifted off to sleep just ten minutes ago. He was positive she didn't even realise herself. His eyes locked back onto her lips. Letting out a sigh, he placed a hand on her cheek. "You so wanna kiss me right now don't you?"

"Really bad." He opened his mouth to say something else but paused when he heard her laugh. Even though he had watched her laugh several times he never had the privilege to witness her squinting eyes and the wrinkles around the corner of her lips as her mouth opened wide. "I really wish I hadn't made the rule about no kissing."

"So why did you?"

"Because I'm being a gentleman. No kissing until we're on our date. But I do wish I could just kiss you right now."

"Well, I'll tell you what you told me, tough." He let out a chuckle. "Lara's gone to sleep. Didn't last half an hour into the movie." Neil glanced at his daughter who was sleeping on the sofa beside him. "She had a long day."

"Yeah. My mum always tired her out with Church stuff on Sunday. And plus, she helped bake with you. Which I have to say, thank you a lot for that."

"No problem. She makes a very good helper."

"She does, doesn't she?" He said with a laugh. "She's my little angel."

JJ placed a hand on his chest as she looked up at him. "Is that what Tesoro means?"

"That depends how you use it to be fair. Usually, it means treasure, but I guess when you're using it for someone it tends to translate to darling or sweetheart."

"That's cute." Neil sighed as he looked down at her.

"We should get going now. It's getting quite late and she didn't have a bath today so it's going to have to be a shower in the morning." JJ slowly got up, releasing a groan. "Again, thank you so much for today. You didn't have to go out your way."

"Stop saying thank you. It was nice to spend time with the both of you. Honestly." Neil got up. "Do you want me to get her shoes?"

"Yes, please. I'm just gonna carry her home, no point waking her up." After Neil had put on his shoes, he picked up Lara, softly folding her knees over his arm. "Actually, you might have to open the front door for me. Is that a problem?"

"No problem at all." Neil smiled down at her before leaning down to kiss her cheek. He saw her blush lightly and walked through the open door. She lifted the lock so it wouldn't completely shut behind her. With soft footsteps, they walked down the hall, past the lift and to Neil's front door. Neil handed her the key and she opened it, wincing when the door creaked loudly.

"You should put some oil on that," she whispered. "I'll get going."

"Hang on." Careful not to wake up Lara, he gently placed her down in her room before rushing to the front door. "I know I already said it," he said slightly out of breath. "But I really enjoyed today."

"So did I," she responded with a smile on her face. He reached for her hand as he leaned against the doorway. The tips of his fingers grazed the inside of her palm.

"I guess I'll see you by the lifts tomorrow. As if not then I'll give you a call after work." He leaned in closer, brushing his lips against her temple. "Because I happen to be making steak tomorrow and I know a little birdy who loves some good meat," he whispered. She felt him smile against her skin as she laughed softly.

"Count me in."

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