19- French Toast

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The sun wasn't fully out yet. It was just starting to rise which told Lara that she had more than enough time to read her book before her father came to wake her for school. With a groan she sat up and turned her lamp on, welcoming the light into the dark room. When she heard a cough come from the kitchen, she slowly rose to her feet. With small timid footsteps, she walked out her door and into the kitchen and relaxed when she saw JJ. JJ swayed her hips to the music as she broke the eggs into the bowl. With her headphones in, she didn't hear Lara push the door open to the kitchen.

"JJ?" No response. Lara moved in front of her and JJ jumped. "Good morning."

"You scared me. But good morning monkey." She looked down at Lara with a smile.

"What you making?"

"French toast."

"Oh can I help? Daddy said I could help yesterday but we didn't make it."

"I know. Your daddy was a little upset yesterday so I thought we would cheer him up." She handed the whisk to Lara and she grinned before taking over.

They both made breakfast together before putting everything onto two trays and walking into the room. JJ quickly put her tray down before taking the tray off Lara who was struggling.

"Daddy!" she screamed as she jumped on the bed. Neil snapped his eyes open but relaxed when he heard her giggle. "Good morning."

"Oh you little devil!" he laughed as he pulled her into a hug. "What you doing awake so early? And where is JJ?"

"We made breakfast together."

"Oh yeah? Do I get any?"

"Maybe. If I can have chocolate for breakfast." JJ giggled. Neil snapped his head towards her and smiled.

"Come here," he whispered as he stuck a hand out. She crept in beside Neil and he tilt his head back to kiss her. "Good morning, cara."

"Good morning." Lara leaned over Neil to whisper in JJ's ear. Neil tried to listen but he frowned when JJ giggled and he had no idea what they spoke about. "Okay, Neil, get your lazy butt up because we have made breakfast in bed."

"You did? Why?" he asked softly when he sat up. He looked to his right and chuckled. "You remembered," he said once he saw the plate of French toast. "You are the absolute best." He leaned in to kiss her.

"I couldn't have done it without my sous chef." While JJ brought the two trays over, Neil pulled Lara into a hug and heard her laugh. "Alright children, don't move too much, I've got hot coffee."

She set the trays down and Neil kissed her again. "Thank you so much, cara. You really didn't have to do this." She ran a hand through his hair, glancing at Lara who put a strawberry in her mouth whilst sitting down on Neil's lap. Focusing back on Neil she smiled.

"You don't have to thank me. You were upset and you wanted some French toast so I made some for you. Now eat up." 

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