44- A Day In Court

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"Cara, have you seen my tie, the plain, very dark one that I wear- oh I found it! Don't worry!" Neil turned around and picked up his shirt. "Hey cara? Is Lara ready? Are you even ready? Where are you girls anyways? I haven't seen you both or heard from you in twenty minutes." He tucked in his shirt and fixed his belt before walking out the room. "My love, are you ignoring me?" After looking between Lara's door at the end of the hall and the door to the kitchen, he walked to the latter.

"Yes?" Lara mumbled with her mouth full of French toast. He shook his head, moving his attention to JJ who also had food in her mouth.

"At least the both of you are ready. But can you guys leave me some please? I always make you guys breakfast and half the time I'm eating left overs."

JJ swallowed the last bit of food in her mouth before getting up. She picked up her mug along the way and took a sip. "Honey, we left your share aside. Don't worry." Neil sighed as he pulled her into a hug. She extended her arm to put the mug down and then hugged him back. "Hey, it's okay. Listen, we're going to go to court, we're going to win and we're going to eat some lunch after and then go to your mums, okay?"

Neil didn't say anything as he tightened his grip on her. "I know...I just needed a hug."

"Aww, baby, I'll hug you whenever you want." She lifted a hand to the back of his head, softly grazing her nails along his neck. "I love you. And I'm always here for you." She felt his his lips beside her ear before he pulled back to see her face.

"I know. And I love you too."

"Papa, do you need a hug from me?" Neil chuckled as he looked down.

"I always need a hug from my little girl!"

JJ smiled before kissing his cheek. She stepped out the room and walked to the front of the door. Once she had double checked her bag, she went to the bedroom to get a pair of socks. She found Neil standing in the mirror, humming a song to himself.

"Oh cara, I got you something."

She rolled her eyes. "The last two times you told me that, you sat me down on the sofa and gave me a terrible dance show."

"Hey! You said you loved my new moves."

"I told you I love you for being so silly," she said with a smile. She put her hands over his and continued to do his tie. Once she looked up, she saw him smiling at her. "Neil...I want you to know how proud I am of you. I couldn't have asked for a better man to be by my side and don't even get me started on how amazing you are as a father. You work so hard for us and I want you to know we're so grateful."

He placed his hand on her cheek before leaning down to kiss her gently. "That means so much to hear, cara. You have no idea."

"Hey," she whispered. "I'm sorry I haven't been saying it enough recently when you've been needing it more than ever."

"Don't be silly. You've been reminding me more than usual recently and I want you to know that I greatly appreciate it." He pecked her lips. "I'm so happy I found you."

"I'm happy I found you too." She smiled at him, lifting a hand to the back of his neck. "I love you."

"I love you too. To the moon and back." He heard her giggle as he pulled her into a hug, giving her several kisses along her neck. "But let me give you the gift. Close your eyes." When he pulled back, he saw her eyes closed with a nervous smile. He walked over to his laptop bag and took out the box. "Keep your eyes closed okay?"

"You're making me nervous."

"Sorry. Oh I want a kiss first," he said as he stood in front of her. Neil leaned down to kiss her, making sure to not put his hands near her hair. After he pecked her lips several times, he straightened up. "I'm very thankful you're not wearing makeup today. Your foundation would have went all over my shirt and your lipstick...well that would have been ruined."

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