34- Birthday

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Neil let out a sigh, watching Lara stomp her feet along the pavement. The shopping bag in his hand hit against his knee as he made an abrupt stop.

"Lara I'm not kidding, hurry up."

"I want to go and see JJ. You promised!" Biting his tongue, he knelt beside her.

"Honey, JJ is extremely busy today. You know she's busy with Christmas stuff. We will see her but when she comes back from work, okay?"

She slowly nodded her head, biting down her lower lip to stop herself from crying. "I..." When she didn't say anything, he sighed, taking her hands in his.

"What is it honey?"

"I miss JJ."

"I know tesero, I miss her too." With a smile, he stuck out his hand and stood up. "So let's get you some ice cream and we'll go home. Then when JJ finishes, you can give her the present you bought her." She nodded her head. "Okay."


* * *

"Hey I am so, so sorry," JJ said as she came through the open door. She shook her jacket off whilst making sure the door was locked. Then she removed her shoes. "Neil?"

"In the sitting room!"

When she walked into the sitting room, she found Neil and Lara sitting on the floor with a large balloon beside them. With a laugh, she stepped towards them. "What's all this?"

"Happy birthday!" Lara cheered. She lifted the present in the air but before JJ could take it, Neil took it. "Daddy-"

"No. We are going to eat first and then open presents. I know your birthday is in two days but it's Saturday and Lara has got that trip so we thought it would be best to celebrate it with you today."

"Please tell me you made lasagne," she said as she sat on the floor. He chuckled before leaning forwards and giving her a kiss. "I am so hungry."

His hands rose to her cheek, circling his thumb on her cheek. "You've been working really hard for the last couple of days. Just relax for today." She kissed him again before moving her attention to Lara.

"I think you look amazing with that bow on your shirt," she said with a laugh. The silver foil bow was stuck onto Lara's plain white shirt. Lara pulled down the balloon that had happy birthday written on it so it was eye level with them. It was for children but JJ gasped, earning a giggle from Lara. "Thank you! This looks amazing."

"Daddy let me pick," she said with another giggle. With a smile, JJ picked Lara up. They joined hands as Neil stood up. "Can we eat now?"

"Of course we can."

* * *

"Happy birthday to you!" Lara and Neil sang. JJ opened her eyes and let out a laugh when she saw Neil carrying a small cake towards her. He looked back at the camera and saw the red light flashing and relaxed. He remembered the numerous times he had meant to record something but it didn't go to plan. She was sat on the floor with the table in front of her.

"Make a wish!" Lara said. The party hat that she was wearing was now slowly sliding off her. JJ closed her eyes, waiting for a few seconds and then blew out the candles.

"Hey listen, I know you're a baker and everything but I really do hope you appreciate this cake."

"Oh shut up," she said with a laugh. She leaned up and kissed him. "Thank you so much, you guys didn't have to go through all this effort."

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