27- Meet My Friends

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Neil walked into the flat whistling. He quietly shut the door, took off his shoes and then made his way to the bedroom to find JJ on the phone. She looked up at him with a frown before turning her attention back to the person on the phone.

"Mum, I told you I'm not coming to dinner. Why? Take a guess. I told you repeatedly I don't like the way Frank stares at me or tries to get close to me. No I'm not going to call him fucking uncle. He's a fucking pervert and I'm not coming. Mum listen...no mum. No. No way. I just don't want to. I'm not being a bitch. You know what, we keep going around in circles. Let's settle this. I never wanna be in the same room as that pervert. End of. Neil is back so I'm hanging up." She closed her eyes and tossed her phone in front of her. A few seconds went by before she screamed into the pillow.

Neil glanced over at her. "I got breakfast. Extra two hash browns like you like." She opened her eyes when she felt the bed dip down. "If you feel uncomfortable with the man, then no one can force you to go," he whispered before kissing the top of her head. "Now eat up. Don't let the effort of me waiting in a drive thru go to waste."

"Neil," she called before he could leave the bed. "What happened to the morning kiss?"

"Oh I gave you a bunch of kisses in the morning." Neil leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. "Happy?"

"Did I do something to you? Kiss me properly. And yes I brushed my teeth." With a laugh he leaned in and pressed his lips against her. She felt his fingers softly graze her neck before they reached her open hair. When she pulled away she frowned. "What's wrong?"


"Oh yeah? You practically die to kiss me as soon as you see me. I had to ask you to kiss me. Twice. So don't lie to me and say nothing is wrong. Is it about yesterday when I asked about Lara's mother?"

Neil shook his head before leaning down to kiss her again. "We already settled that. It's just...my friends want to meet you."

"Is that it?"

"Well I mean yeah. I know you met some of them here and there but everyone is getting together this afternoon so I will go but I really want them all to meet you and see how wonderful you are. I just don't want you to feel like you have to meet them. They're crazy. And-"

"Neil I met your entire family in the first week of being your girlfriend. I dealt with Stephanie in our first week. I'm pretty sure I can meet your friends."


"If you're meeting up with them today then obviously." She leaned over Neil and picked up the bag. "Today works. But why you so worried for?"

Neil scratched the back of his neck. "Because...in like a non homo way, some of the guys are really good looking and they're single and-"

"Neil! Shut up. Here, eat your egg muffin. But hey, listen to me." Neil sighed and took a bite out his meal. He turned to look at her smile and felt himself relax. "I'm not leaving you. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. The only thing you gotta worry about is getting rid of me. Do you not trust us? Our relationship?"

"I do. Of course I do I just don't trust other people. And like I said, they can offer you a lot more than-"

"No. Not having this conversation again. What did I tell you last time?"

"That you're happy and you want to stay in this relationship?"

"Exactly. I'm happy and I told you that if either of us are unhappy then we will talk about it."

"I'm sorry." He leaned in and smiled. "I'm sorry."

"You should be. You're making me fat."

"Hey listen I don't force feed you extra portions. That's your fault."

"Fucking idiot. Is it my fault you're such a good cook?"

* * *

"No makeup today and you're still taking forever to get ready?" JJ frowned as she shut the front door.

"Dumbass, I only wore makeup twice with you. One was for our date and the other was when your family came to your house. If I don't wear makeup for you why would I wear it for your friends?" She turned to face him. "Unless you feel like I need it. My skin has been breaking out so it-"

"Don't be silly. You look absolutely beautiful. As you always do. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything." She stood in front of the mirror and pulled her long t-shirt off. Neil stood at the doorway, leaning against it. "Cara?" She turned to him. "I'm sorry. You know I don't think you need makeup. I don't even know why I asked."

"Well do you think I need makeup? Today? My skin is pretty bad and pimple based right now and-"

"Don't be fucking stupid. Listen to me." He walked over to her and sighed when he saw the sad look in her eyes. "You are beautiful. Spots and all. I've never had a problem with your skin. It's natural. And women have their periods, they have more hormones so you're bound to break out every now and then. You look beautiful cara. And I admire your confidence. A lot." Neil smirked as he placed his hands on her waist. "It's really sexy if I'm being honest."

"Stop," she said with a laugh. He wrapped his arms around her and sighed. "Thank you," she whispered." I think you're beautiful too."

"Very funny."

* * *

With a laugh, Neil opened the door for JJ, watching as Lara ran to the front door. Usually JJ stepped out at the same time as him but even as he made his way slowly to her, stepping over the puddle, she remained still, glancing at the front door. She wiped her hands against her jeans before stepping out the car. "Cara," he said as he trapped her between the car and him. "Breathe for me and relax. They're just my friends." JJ looked over at the house and sighed. "They're gonna love you, I promise." He leaned down for a kiss but then heard the front door open. Smiling apologetically at her, he pecked her lips before straightening up and holding her hand. "You were never this nervous meeting my family."

"I was thrown in the deep end with your family. I had no time to react."

"So would you have been like this?"

"Ten times worse."

They both made it to the door and Neil stepped aside to let JJ in first. She took off her boots at the door before turning to the crowded hallway.

Here goes nothing.

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