29- The Three Of Us

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Neil watched from across the bakery as his daughter handed the change to a customer. JJ leaned down to kiss her cheek before looking up at Neil. She stuck a hand out and he shoved his hands into his pockets before walking over to them. 

"You know, she doesn't have to get behind the counter every time. You're working." He pecked her lips before putting a hand on her waist.

"You're just jealous because I'm cute."

"We're going back to this?"

"Well it's the truth." Lara heard the bell chime and smiled at her teacher who walked in. "Can I persuade you to get a banana milkshake this time Miss Whetstone?"

"Yes you can dear. Make that a small though. And can I have your assorted dozen for the cupcakes please?"

"Is that to go, Miss Whetstone?" JJ asked.

"Yes, please."

"Of course. Cheryl can I have small banana milkshake to go, please? And my lovely young helper, follow me and open up a box."

After getting the cupcakes in the box, they walked back to the till where Neil was leaning against the counter. "You sure she's not disturbing you Cara?"

"Don't worry, she's wonderful help." She pecked his lips before turning to Lara's teacher. "Cash or card today?"

"Card." Lara frowned as she turned the card machine to her. "But I do have some change for tip. Since Lara was so nice and polite and she needs help for her father."

JJ giggled when she saw Neil scratch the back of his neck. "That's very nice of you, Miss Whetsone. I'm sure Lara would appreciate it."

Neil waved goodbye to her teacher before smacking the back of both their heads. "You lot are losers."

"It's okay, monkey. Daddy's just jealous."

Neil bit his lip as he looked over at the both of them laughing. "Right that settles it. No one is sleeping next to me tonight. And no hugs and kisses for the both of you."

"Not even a goodnight kiss after story time?"

"Not even a goodnight kiss."

Lara thought for a few seconds. "It's okay. JJ can give me a goodnight kiss."

* * *

"Neil, come on, you're being silly." He looked up, not bothered. "You haven't kissed me once since I came here."

"Well I live up to my word."

"Fine." She leaned down and kissed his cheek. "I'm going to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." Neil watched as she walked away from the room. When he heard her opening the shoe box he quickly got up to find her opening the front door.

"Where are you going?"

"Home. You said I can't sleep next to you tonight."

Neil chuckled as he closed the door. He turned her around and smiled down at her. "Did you really think I would be able to go the whole night without giving you a kiss?"

"Well you managed so far."

"And it is driving me crazy not being able to kiss you. So how about I break my word this time and you tell no one?" She nodded her head before leaning up and closing her eyes. Neil kissed her softly. "Now let's go to bed because I haven't held you all day."

"No." She leaned up to kiss him again. "You said I wasn't allowed to sleep next to you tonight so I'm going home."

"Cara, I was only joking."

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