18- 5 Years

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JJ shuffled on the sofa as Neil stood up. He leaned down to kiss the top of her head. "Let me put her to bed and I'll be back."

He picked up his daughter from JJ's lap before leaving. With his feet, he kicked her clothes beside her bed. Neil gently placed Lara down on the bed. His fingers brushed the hair away from her face.

"Daddy's sorry, tesero," he whispered as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. "I'm so sorry."

With a sigh, he stood up and left. Several steps later, he found himself back in the sitting room where JJ was clearing away the takeout boxes. She smiled at him when he was in her line of sight. Without a word, he stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He kissed her shoulder before resting his chin on it.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly. "It's a dumb question, I know, but are you?"

"No," he said with a heavy sigh. His sight settled ahead to the corner of the coffee table. "But I'll be fine tomorrow. Just a little tired."

"How about I go home and you can get some sleep? " She slowly turned around. Her hands rested on his cheek. "I'm really sorry about today. None of this would happened if I didn't go."

"Don't you dare apologise for what happened today. I mean it Jay. It was not your fault it's all on Steph." Leaning forward, he rested his forehead against hers. "I should be apologising to you. That's the first time you met my family and they should have been nicer rather than accusing you of horrible things. And screw what they say about our relationship. I really like you cara and I have never felt this way about a woman before. Yes it's going fast and yes it completely new to me but I'm not slowing anything down unless you want to." She shook her head with a smile."You know what the worst part of today was?"

"Enlighten me." JJ moved her hands to the back of his neck.

"Didn't even get to make French toast." Neil looked down with a smile as he listened to her laugh. "You really are beautiful, cara," he whispered. "And you're an amazing person which makes me and Lara very happy that you're in our life."

"I'm the lucky one in this relationship." He leaned down, gently pressing his lips against hers. JJ pushed his head down a little to deepen the kiss. When he pulled away, he pecked her lips a few times before opening his eyes.

"I know you're not well and you need your space but would it be selfish if I ask you to stay the night?" he asked softly. "Not to have sex. None of that. I just want to hold you tonight." JJ smiled up at him not saying a word. "You're free to say no. I won't force you to-"

"You're fucking adorable you know that?"

"Fuck off," he said with a laugh.

* * *

JJ giggled as she jumped onto the bed. Neil watched with a smile as she crawled over to his side and pulled the blanket over the both of them. She gently placed her head on his chest as she wrapped her arm around his waist.

"I really am sorry for today, honey. It wasn't meant to end like this. You were meant to meet my parents and they were gonna love you and see how amazing you are, how smart and driven and...don't listen to anything Steph said about you."

She looked up at him with a smile. Her fingers ran through his hair. "And you don't listen to anything she says. You are an amazing dad, Neil. Don't let anyone tell you different." He sighed. Neil gently placed his head on top of hers and closed his eyes.

"Goodnight cara."

"Don't I get a kiss?" Neil opened his eyes with a laugh. He looked down at her before gently pressing his lips against hers. "Hey, everything is going to be alright. Everyone will eventually see that this is real and what we feel is real."

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