20- My Two Ladies

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Neil looked up from the pile of plates with a sigh. He made eye contact with his parents who were whispering whilst looking at him.


"Nothing sweety." Andre scoffed.

"We're basically talking about how you're so eager for JJ to come back. You look down at your watch every five minutes and even the slightest sound of a knock you go and check the front door. We're basically saying you look like a lost puppy."

"I hate you sometimes you know that?" Neil said with a frown.

"I love you too son."

With a groan, Neil picked up the rest of the plates before leaving. At the kitchen doorway, Charlie sat giggling as he repeatedly pressed the button for the toy phone. Neil ran his fingers through his hair, listening to Stephanie complaining once again. She walked into the kitchen, rolling her eyes at her brother.


"Not having it. I honestly don't even want to look at you right now." Striding past her, he walked to the fridge. He had over eaten and couldn't stand the sight of food but he needed an excuse to not talk to his sister.

"Then why did you invite me?"

"I didn't. I invited Tyrell and he brought his wife."

"Oh that was harsh," Lauran said as she leaned against the doorway. "But do carry on, she deserves it."

"Oh screw you guys. If I'm really not wanted here I'll go."

Neil kept his gaze on the box of strawberries. "If you want to know the truth, as to why you were invited, I really didn't want to but Jay told me to. Said it would be mean if I didn't because I'm inviting everyone else."

"I can vouch for that," Lauran said. "I met up with them two for coffee the other day and walked in on them talking about it."

"Daddy," Lara called when she walked in, holding an empty cup. He smiled down at her before closing the fridge. Pushing her loose hair back, she looked up at him. "Is JJ still coming? She promised me she'll show me how to do the nice plait."

"She's on her way tesero. Do you want me to do your hair in the mean time?"

"No." She quickly put the glass down and ran out the kitchen. Neil heard the doorbell ring and quickly made his way to the front door, making sure to step over Charlie. When he got to the door, he inhaled softly before opening it. Standing in front of him was JJ, in a long floral dress that stopped mid calf. He let his eyes fall down to her legs before pulling her in for a kiss. JJ laughed into the kiss before pulling away. She stepped in and heard the door close behind her.

"I missed you," he whispered before leaning down for a kiss. With one hand holding a bag, she let her other hand rest at the back of his neck. "And can I just say, you look absolutely beautiful."

"Thank you. I thought I would make more of an effort this time round." She pecked his lips as she pressed her body against his. Her hands skimmed over his stomach to rest on his back. "Your belly feels really hard."

"Don't worry about that. I just over ate."

JJ laughed softly as she rested her chin on his chest. "Did you overcook as well?"

"Maybe." Neil ran a hand over her plait with a sigh. "How was work yesterday? First day back after the ear infection."

"Hmm...I actually really missed work. Sorry I haven't round for the last couple days, I just got so tired after I finished and-" Neil covered her lips with his. After a shriek, she smiled into the kiss, bringing her hand to the back of his neck. "Is this your way of saying it's okay?"

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