36- Eggs

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"Hey dad," JJ said as she swat Neil's hands away from her ear. "You called me before but I was putting Lara to bed."

"You put her to bed?"

"Yeah it's something Neil and I- well the three of us do together. She has a bath and I do her hair and read her a story." Her dad hummed and she sighed. "If you're going to start telling me how wrong it is that-"

"No, no, darling." JJ froze. It had been years since her dad called her darling. Neil noticed the sudden change and frowned. He put his hand on her waist, gently pulling her towards him. "I do need to talk to you though. I just...can I stay over at yours today?"

"Dad, is everything okay?"

"Yes, don't worry, darling. Everything is fine."

"Dad, I know you. Since when have you ever stayed at mine? You're worrying me. Tell me what's wrong." She sighed, waiting for an answer. Whilst her dad reassured her once again nothing was wrong and her asking, she turned around to face Neil. He kissed the top of her head.

"I will tell you when I get there, Jocelyn."

"You're going to drive me crazy if you don't tell me. Dad, please. Tell me you're not dying." He went silent for a few seconds. "Oh my god. Dad-"

"For godsake Jocelyn, I'm not dying. Shut up and stop freaking out. I'm divorcing your mother." Neil chuckled lightly as he looked down at her.

"So someone finally knocked some sense into you then?" she said with a sigh.

"You could say that again."

"Alright well how long do you need to stay for?"

"Just the night. I'll get a hotel from tomorrow, I promise."

"No dad, that's silly. You're going to waste so much money. Stay here, it's okay."

Neil lifted her head and smiled. "If you want, you can stay here while your dad stays at yours."

JJ put herself on mute and kissed him. "Although my dad is a lot nicer than my mum and we have gotten closer in the last few months, he doesn't believe in living with people unless you're married. I'd rather you stay on his good side." She put the phone back to her ear. "How long do you need to stay for?"

"About a month? Or until I can find a good place. I don't want to intrude on you."

"Dad. Pack your bags and you're moving in with me. It's okay."

* * *

Neil chuckled as he saw JJ frown when they pulled away from the kiss. His hands ran down her back. "I want another kiss."

"You have had enough kisses. Your dad is literally going to be back in 5 minutes."

"But I love you," she whined as she buried her head in his neck. Neil chuckled as he circled his arms around her. "I miss you as well. I haven't slept next to you in a week and I have to have sex with you by a certain time if we do."

"Ah I love you too, cara. And I also miss you. But maybe just talk to your dad."

"I don't want him to hate you."

"Cara, listen to me. I just want you to be happy and if him being angry at me means that then so be it." He sat up, with her still straddling him. "Honey..."

"I don't want you to go," she mumbled. The front door opened and she heard her dad call out for her. Within a minute, he was standing at her open door with a frown.

"Hey, Neil. Didn't know you were coming round today. Is everything okay?"

"Hey Mr Kelly. How was work?"

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