45- Growing Up

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*A/N below*

When Neil got out the car, he let out a groan. The air conditioning from the car had cooled him down and made him forget how humid the air was. Once he got his bag, he started to walk towards the entrance of the building. It was when he turned the corner of the car park when he recognised JJ and Lara swinging their legs whilst sitting on the wall.

"And what are my two ladies doing here in the heat?" He kissed the top of both their heads before leaning down to kiss JJ. He pecked her lips before straightening up.

"We're waiting for the ice-cream van," Lara said. Neil chuckled as he sat beside JJ. She reached for his hand and he gave it a squeeze before kissing the back of her hand.

"You finished work earlier today."

"Yeah. Air conditioning broke and the computers and stuff got over heated so she let us all go." He looked over at Lara then back at JJ. "Is this what you guys have been doing this week? Is this how you've been spending your two weeks off work?"

"What Lara and I do in our spare time is none of your concern. Isn't that right, Lara?"

"Right, mama."

"Ugh, I liked it so much better when she used to tell me anyways." JJ laughed but didn't say anything. "I was thinking...since I finished work early, shall we just eat some lunch and then get going? We can settle down, have a shower and then maybe go out for dinner?"

"Sounds good. We finished the rest of the packing after breakfast." In the distance, they heard the ice cream van approaching. Lara jumped off the wall with a smile.

"Mama, come on!"

"Alright, monkey, I'm here."

The three of them walked towards the pavement just as the van came into view. "You know," Neil said as he looked down at JJ. "I'm very excited for the next week. It's basically our first week away as a family. Every other trip has been with the whole of my family."

"Okay don't get me wrong, I absolutely love your family but I'm excited for it to be just the three of us." She looked up at him. "Don't tell your mum I said that."

Neil chuckled. He stuck out his pinky. "I pinky promise I won't tell."

* * *

"I think our girl made a new friend."

Neil sighed, watching the way Lara played goldfish with a boy her age. "She's getting older and I don't like it. I remember when boys had cooties for her." He heard her laugh as she placed her hands on his shoulders. "I don't like it, cara," he mumbled. "We never should have come here."

"Aww, honey. This is it now. She's growing up. She's going to start liking boys. She's going to write their initials at the back of her book and-"

"I swear to god, Jay."

"You can't keep her locked up forever. She's going to date, she's going to meet up with a boy and they're going to hold hands and she's going to fall in love."

"Judith, stop." He heard her gasp before she came into view.

"You do realise that our little girl is not little anymore? That she will grow up and there is nothing we can do?"

"Stop it," he groaned.

JJ took a seat on his lap, hearing him huff as he wrapped his arms around her. "As much as I would love to, I don't think we can lock her up and keep her safe."

"Well why the fuck not?"

"Hey there guys. I got your drinks right here," the waiter said. "A beer for you, a red wine for you and a milkshake for the-where did she go?"

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