11- Bedtime Story

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When JJ walked into Lara's room, she let out a whistle. The clothes were scattered over the floor and she was positive there was no sight of the dark grey laminated floorboards. Lara turned around with a frown.

"You know..." JJ said as she picked up a t-shirt, "when I was younger I hated cleaning up my room and my clothes. I used to cry everytime and then my grandma showed me a way to sort out my clothes so it was easier."

"But I don't like it," she huffed.

"I know. But it needs to be done. So how about we find an underwear first, get changed and then we clean up a little so your hair can dry too?" Lara sighed. She then opened up the wardrobe and began looking through a pile of scrunched up clothes. After a minute of groans and sighs, she finally pulled out an underwear. "Okay so just put that on, wear some clothes and then I'll be back okay?"

With a smile, JJ closed the door. She then walked down the hall where she found Neil humming whilst chopping up some vegetables. Silently, she waited till he put the knife down and then wrapped her arms around him making him jump.

"For fuck sake, Jay. You scared me." He slowly turned around, leaning his back on the counter. JJ glanced up to him. Her hands ran up his waist, passing the side of the apron, finally making contact with the tea towel draped across his left shoulder. "Are you done admiring me?"

"Not yet." Neil chuckled. "You've got a lovely face."

"I do? Nice to know." She sighed. Her eyes remained on his face, taking in his smile and the slightest sight of his teeth.

"Is this crazy? The both of us, the way we feel when it's only been three weeks?" Neil stayed quiet for a few seconds. Without answering, he leaned down, gently placing his lips on hers.

When he pulled away, he opened his eyes, watching as JJ exhaled sharply before opening hers too. "My grandparents were in love. Like super duper in love. They met one day at the library, said it was love at first sight and by the end of that month, they were married."

"That's something you see in the movies isn't it?"

Neil chuckled. He twirled her hair round his finger. "That's what I said. But everyone confirmed their story. Everyone thought it was this summer fling and it wouldn't last. But it did. For a very very long time. So maybe it's not crazy, and we're not crazy and it's just how it's meant to be."

Lara groaned as she opened her bedroom door. With a frown, she walked over to the kitchen to find JJ sitting on the counter whilst her dad was stirring something in the pot. She cleared her throat.

"Ah, you're done. Shall we sort some clothes out now?"

"What's happening?" Neil asked as he turned around licking the liquid off his thumb. JJ looked up at him with a smile.

"We're going to sort out Lara's clothes, aren't we?" Lara sighed and nodded her head. She hated folding clothes.

"No, Jay, you don't have to do-"

"No, we already decided we will." JJ turned to look at Lara. "How about you go and put all the clothes onto your bed? Sort them about out into shirts and trousers and anything else." Lara nodded her head with a frown before walking away.

"Honey...you don't have to do this."

She smiled, placing her hands on his shoulders. "How long does she usually keep her clothes clean for?"

"A week tops. But that's not what I'm talking about. First of all you're not well, second, this is something she has to do."

"I looked in her wardrobe. And that is something I know you would organise. I bet you if I lay out a way for her to organise her clothes, she will keep it somewhat tidy for longer than a week."

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