32- Fights And Alcohol

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"JJ! JJ! JJ!" Lara screamed as she walked through the door.

"Woah, you're never that happy to see me," Neil groaned as he closed the front door.

"Yes monkey?" JJ turned around to face an eager looking Lara who still had her bag on her back.

"I made three new friends. And they laugh at all my jokes and we play jump rope and criss cross and monkey bars and-"

"Breathe child," Neil said as walked into the kitchen. JJ was knelt to Lara's level. "Well this is very nice to see. And I'm very happy for you Lara. Is this what you were dying to tell us?"

"Yeah I wanted you both to hear. Are you proud of me?"

"Oh I am very proud of you. You can tell me all about it when we're eating, yeah?" JJ kissed her cheek and she ran off giggling. When she stood up, Neil wrapped his arms around her. His lips found her shoulder before slowly kissing up her neck.

"Cara...I am so lucky to have you. Look at how happy you made my daughter."

"Well I'm glad. Now stop kissing my neck and kiss me." He chuckled as he pulled away. He cupped her cheeks before leaning down to kiss her. "Thank you. Do you want to get changed and then eat?"

"I'm good. I'm pretty sure the school thinks I'm a sloth on Mondays." She looked down at his hoodie and jogging bottoms.

"Well I think you and your ass look sexy in pretty much anything. But the suit is a favourite."

Neil chuckled as he dropped his hands to her waist. "You know, cara, I'm so happy I met you."

"Leave the sappy stuff for after lunch."

Just after eating the last bite on her plate, JJ heard the bell ring she then heard a frantic knock on the door and watched as Neil stood up cautiously.

"Stay with Lara." When Neil got to the door, he sighed with relief when he saw Lauran standing there. "What the fuck is it? What's got you knocking like that?"

"Kevin and I had a fight and I don't want to be home. Alexa took Felix to the shops and they're on their way up."

"Okay get in. And give me Charlie." Neil took the car seat off her hand as she stepped in. When they got to the kitchen, JJ relaxed and stood up.

"Oh I'm sorry," Lauran said. "I keep forgetting you have a girlfriend and I should call now and-" JJ stood up whilst shaking her head.

"Hey it's okay. We're just finished with lunch. There's plenty left over for you and the kids. How about I go home and let you two chat for a while?"

"No you don't have to that. I'll go home. I just need to wait for the kids and god Neil what am I gonna do? He's actually going to leave me, I know it."

JJ turned to Neil. "Hey, do you want me to take Lara to mine? You can call me when everything is sorted and I will bring her back."

"No that's fine. The kids are on their way up."

"It's okay. They can come by too. I'm literally opposite you so if anything is wrong then I will come back." She leaned in closer to Neil. "She needs her brother with no kids. I got this." Neil heard a knock on the door and walked away, leaving the two ladies alone. Lauran wiped her eyes again, new tears already falling.

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"I'm sure, Le. When was the last time Charlie ate?"

"Maybe two hours ago. He's been alseep for a while so when he wakes up can you make sure he eats something? The food is in the bag and I've got his snacks but he tends to just munch on carrots and-"

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