6- The Morning After

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When morning came, JJ found herself alone on the bed. She slowly turned around to find her phone charging, placed neatly on the centre of a note. Rubbing her eyes, she slowly sat up.

'Don't worry, I haven't just fucked and left. Even though this is my house. I don't know when you'll wake up and I did want to wake you but you were so tired last night I decided to leave you. Coffee should be still hot in the kitchen. Once you get your cup make sure you turn off the warm. Left sugar out and milk is in the fridge. If you would like, I'd appreciate it if you joined me in the balcony.'

JJ shook her head with a smile as she rose from the bed. She pulled down her night shirt with one hand and grabbed her phone and hairband with the other. After brushing her teeth, she went into the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee. Just as expected, Neil was in the balcony, laptop on a table in front of him. She gently pushed the door open and his head snapped towards her.

A smile immediately appeared on his face as he extended his arms out. She hesitated before putting her bare feet onto the floor. "Don't worry I make sure the floor is clean. Now come here and sit with me." Slowly, she lowered herself down onto Neil's lap, immediately feeling his arms circle around her waist. "Morning beautiful," he whispered.

With a soft laugh, she leaned down to peck his lips. "Morning handsome." She leaned back to look at his face, admiring his smile. "I'm sorry about last night."

"I already told you, you don't have to apologise about-"

"I do. We were in the moment and you were being so gentle and I just-"

"Judith," he warned. She frowned as she looked at him. "I already explained this to you yesterday. You were not in the mood and I will never pressure you into having sex." She stayed quiet for a few seconds, looking down at her hands. Neil watched as her shoulders slowly slumped. He lifted a hand to brush away her hair. "What's on your mind?" he whispered softly.

"I only had one person make love to me and that didn't end very well. It's just- obviously I know you're not in love me but you were talking about the gentleness of love making. It just got me scared that's all." Neil smiled before pecking her lips.

"I'll say it again, whenever you feel like you want to stop or you don't like how it feels you tell me and I'll stop right away. You don't have to tell me everything now and I'm not expecting you to. You tell me everything in your own time." She slowly nodded her head as she turned to face the sky.

"You're really nice," she whispered softly.

"I try my best," he responded with a chuckle as he ran a hand over her exposed thigh. Neil glanced over at the clear sky, exhaling slowly. His view landed on the airplane going into hiding behind the clouds. "Sometimes I like coming out here and looking at it. The sky I mean. Even when there is nothing going on I still like staring at it. Somewhat soothing."

JJ slowly turned around on his lap, picking up her coffee mug with her left hand. With a sigh, she leaned back into him, feeling his lips trace over her shoulder. "I used to do it but I just can't be bothered to clean my balcony." She felt him laugh before she heard the deep chuckle escape his lips, his breath fanning over her neck. "I'm being honest with you."

"I know. And I love that you are." He sighed as he circled his arms around her waist. "JJ I know it's only been two weeks and this is going to sound absolutely absurd but spending this time with you..." he trailed off, not knowing how to say it.

"I know," she whispered. "I feel the same. Which is so crazy because I don't think I have ever felt this happy and comfortable with a guy just in two weeks. And technically we weren't even dating which makes it even crazier."

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