39- 97 Seconds

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Neil sat across his mum with a frown. Lauran sat at the end of the table feeding Charlie baby food that he was spitting back out within seconds. Neil opened his mouth to say something but then stopped. His mother and sister looked at each other before looking back at him.

"Did something happen?"

He snapped his head towards his sister. "Why?"

"Usually you sit there and gush about your daughter or your girlfriend. You even talk about work and I pretend to be interested but you've literally said nothing." She waited for a response. "Is it Jay?" When his jaw clenched, she sighed. She got her answer.

"I just..." He sighed heavily. "I feel like she's being distant. And I don't mean busy with work distant because that happens time to time and every now and then I won't see her for almost a week. But we always talk. She tells me how her day was and we facetime and I get to see her for a minute after I pickup Lara. But...she barely responds to me now."

Lauran frowned. She also noticed the distance from JJ. "How is Lara taking it?"

Neil sighed. "Not good. She's busy excited about her birthday but in the morning she would ask if JJ came round and it breaks my heart to say no."

"The girl is going through something," his mother said. Neil looked up. "Like you said, this isn't like her. And we know her, she wouldn't purposely hurt Lara. Talk to her, Neil. And even if she doesn't say anything let her know that you will be there whenever she is ready."

"Mama is right. Whenever Aunt Jasmine's death anniversary came up I would always shut Kevin away. And obviously he didn't know then because we had just started dating but he got really worried but I just told him what was up and then after a few years I was finally able to tell him the full story." Neil nodded his head before drinking the rest of his coffee.

* * *

"Hey," Neil said as he walked into the bakery. It was closing time and there was just an elderly couple left. He watched JJ smile back tiredly at him.

"Hey," she whispered as she slipped her hands through his open jacket. She pecked his lips and smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too." He leaned down and kissed her, raising a hand to her cheek. "I'll help clear up." Before she could protest, he kissed her again and took off his jacket, placing it behind her on the counter.

The elderly couple stood up and said goodbye before leaving. With a sigh, JJ locked the front and leaned against the door. "Long day?" he asked as he cleared a table. She responded with a nod. He put the mugs and plate in the washing box before moving onto the next table. "If you're tired, then I can do the rest and you can sit down for a while."

"No, no." She sighed before turning around. After clearing away all the tables and putting the dishes into the dish washer, Neil exited the kitchen. Throughout the time cleaning up he kept glancing at JJ, hoping to find out what was wrong. Was she unhappy in the relationship? Did she want more? What was making her so upset?

He found JJ sitting down on the stool beside the counter, two mugs in front of her.

"Hey honey," he whispered as he neared her. He kissed her cheek. After a few minutes of silence, he spoke. "Tell me what's wrong."

She swallowed hard. Within seconds she felt the lump in her throat but pushed the tears back. "Lara's birthday, in two weeks...I can't come." He frowned.

"Is it work? I'm pretty sure someone can cover you for the day?"

"I..." She sighed. "I don't want to come."

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