31- Woman To Woman

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It was slightly warm in the morning so JJ had decided to only wear a thin sweater. However now the clouds were taking over and she pulled her jacket around tighter as she walked up the stoney pathway. With a sharp exhale she pressed the doorbell. "Hi," JJ greeted when Stephanie opened the door for her. She stepped aside and let JJ in.

"What do you want to talk about? I've had a stressful weekend with my boy. He has chickens pox so I hope you had them when you were younger."

"Is he here?"

"Yes. Now are you gonna step in?"

JJ nervously giggled as she stepped in. "Do you want coffee or something? And how long do you want to talk for because I swear if you made me wake up for some random girl to girl chit chat then I'm not gonna like it."

"No I just-"

"Mummy," a little voice said. Stephanie rubbed her forehead before she turned around. "Mummy I'm itchy and it hurts."

"I know sweetheart. Just be brave for me okay?"

"Have you got the lotion?"

"Of course I do."

"There really isn't a limit to that so I would put it on him whenever you can. And when you do, don't do it with a cotton bud or wool, rub some onto your hands and pat it onto his skin. That way it's faster and you're not rubbing it onto his skin."

"Anything else?" Although it was sarcastically said, JJ knew she wanted some advice.

"Get rid of his clothes. Only make him wear light cotton stuff. And I know it's cold, but don't put the blanket on top of him. His spots are still coming out so the heat won't be nice."

After Stephanie had put her son to sleep again, she walked into the kitchen. She took a seat opposite JJ and sighed.

"I just what to start off with I know you're looking out for Neil and Lara. You're his big sister and she's your niece. I was a stranger and you're right, you knew nothing about me and Neil only went on trust and you had every right to worry. But I assure you that I have never harmed or will harm a child like the way you think of me."

"I know you're not a sex offender. I made a friend check."

JJ raised an eyebrow as she looked over Stephanie. "I'm pretty sure that's illegal but okay. I just...I love Lara, I really do. She is an amazing little girl and Neil is such a great father."

"I know he is."

"I want you to give me a chance. I know it's a lot to ask but I help out at the orphanage, I give money to kids charity. I am the godmother of two cute kids and I babysit for them every chance I get. This isn't a normal relationship with Neil. I know that and have known from the start. It's starting to become a family and I welcome Lara with open arms. I don't see her as a burden. And truth be told, I think Neil's a little jealous that I spend too much time with her."

Stephanie smiled. "My brother has been hurt before- before he had Lara. And after he had her there were a few times he was made feeling like shit because he had a daughter and couldn't give his all. And you know, he's right. None of us really understand because we had it the conventional way. But he's my little brother and its my job to look out for him."

"I know that and I respect that. Neil's told me about what happened with Lara's mother. He told me about his previous relationships and he's apologised so many times for not giving me enough even though I've told him numerous times that he gives me a lot more than I deserve. He always thinks he's not good enough for me but he's way too good. I have never met a man that has treated me half as good as he has. Most nights I stay over because sometimes it's the only time we get to spend with each other and he hums a song, plays with my hair until I fall asleep and I have never felt so safe. And I'm not blaming you, I really am not but as much as he hates to admit it I know that under the whole I don't care what she thinks, he values your opinion and approval on our relationship."

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