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Neil heard the front door opened and snapped his eyes open. JJ lay beside him, still asleep. His gaze settled on the cot and relaxed when he saw the baby still asleep. He heard a knock on the door and stretched as he saw Lara out her head into the room. 

"Hey tesero, how was school?" 

"Were you sleeping?" 

"Yeah, your mama and I decided to get some sleep whilst the baby slept. She's still getting used to being home. Did spend a month in the hospital to be fair." Neil looked up as Lara dropped her bag on the floor. He saw the frown on her face and shuffled on the bed before lifting the duvet up. "Come here, sweety." She huffed before getting under the duvet. "Long day?" 

"Yeah," she mumbled as she hugged him. "Papa, I'm trying my best in school, I promise." Neil kissed the top of her head. 

"I know that, tesero. Is your teacher giving you grief again?" 

"Yeah. I tried telling her that I'm trying but she called me a liar. Said all I do is sit in class and do no work but it's not true." 

"It's okay, sweety. I'll call the school and talk to her. I know you're trying your best and that's all that matters to me. How about after we all eat, I look after the baby while your mama has a bath and then I can help you with the science? We can do what we did last time with the definitions." 

Lara nodded her head before leaning back to kiss his cheek. "I love you, Papa." 

"I love you, too my lara banana. Now go and get changed and give your clothes to wash." 

"Okay. Shall I put some clothes to wash then? Like mama taught me?" 

"If you want to. Just leave the baby's clothes out though." 

Neil watched her leave the room with a smile. He heard the baby shuffling and when he looked towards the cot, he saw the baby with her eyes wide open. "Baby's awake," JJ groaned. She turned to him with her eyes still closed. He leaned down to kiss the top of her head, watching as she smiled. "Is Lara okay?" 

"Yeah, just struggling with science. Gonna help her later though." 

"Hmm, I heard a little. But I'm so exhausted." 

"You rest for a little more. I'm going to put the chicken and potatoes in the oven." Neil started to leave the bed but stopped when he heard her groan. "You want a kiss?" She nodded her head and he leaned down with a laugh. After kissing her, he kissed the top of her head. "I love you, cara." 

"I love you, too." 

"Alright, little missy, lets give your mama some peace and quiet," he whispered as he leaned down to pick up the baby. She cooed in his arms and he laughed softly as he walked out. "Let me put the food in the oven and Papa will give you some attention." She cooed again. "Good idea? Thought it would be." 

* * *

"Lara, can you quickly get me a tissue please?" Neil called out quickly when he saw the vomit start to dribble down the baby's chin. Lara quickly reached for the box of tissue and threw it to the empty space beside him. "Gee, thanks." 

"Hey, you said quickly and that's quicker than me walking to you from the desk. And make sure she doesn't get vomit on my bed again." 

"Just because you said that, I'm going to leave this tissue under your pillow." 

"Papa, that's gross!" 

"You're gross." 

"Are you two arguing again?" JJ said as she opened the door. She had her robe on and a towel on her head. "I thought you were meant to be working?"

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