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     Her shoulders tensed up as she walked past through bustling students. The cafeteria was full of people and she did not like it at all. It made her uncomfortable and people would always stare at her, either to admire her beauty or to whisper rumors about her. That was why she ate out in the courtyard and when Hitoshi saw her there, he followed suit.

She barely feels bad for anyone, but at that time she did feel guilty for making Hitoshi come and sit with her. It was his decision, but he left all his friends to sit with her. He would even sit out in the cold with her, which didn't make sense to her.

Like today.

She finally reached the door that led to the courtyard and quickly opened it. The harsh wind blew in and that caught the students' attention. [Y/N] blushed when they all stared at her, but stepped outside to leave the toxic room.

She shut the door behind her and heaved a sigh. She never liked being the center of attention. All those pairs of eyes staring at her was her worst nightmare.

Her mind drifted off back to the courtyard and she turned to look at her usual sitting spot. Hitoshi was already there, looking at her. She walked towards him, the ice underneath her were crunching as she stepped on them. She reached him and sat next to him. They were underneath the tree that they always went to eat under.

"Are you feeling well? What happened?" Hitoshi asked her.

"It....was nothing," she answered. He frowned at her response, but did not push her any further.

She took out her lunch box and thanked for the food before digging in. She ate the rice and the vegetables cleanly. Her manners were on point and she was silent for the whole time. Hitoshi started talking and she listened. He talked about his day and about his basketball game that was coming up.

"Hey, [Y/N]," he suddenly brought up. Her dark eyes glanced at him without blinking. "Could you come to my basketball game this weekend?"

She didn't do anything a few seconds and that got Hitoshi to feel nervous. That's when she nodded. "I won't cheer or anything though," she pointed out. It wasn't even a joke or teasing. It was just a statement.

But that didn't stop the grin from growing on Hitoshi's face. "Really?! I didn't think you'd accept! And I'm fine if you don't cheer. All it matters is that you'll be there!"

She noddd again. "Okay," she said as she stared at Hitoshi's face. She wondered why he was so happy just because she said that she was going to go. It didn't make sense to how he was always so happy around her. She never showed emotion, yet he would smile at her.

"Can I braid your hair?" he suddenly asked another question. She squirmed at where she sat. Why would he want to braid her hair? Her hair was the most plainest and she had never done anything to it. "S-sorry...it's just that I used to braid my sister's hair for her...and....and so I think your hair would look beautiful in a braid."

Her heart pounded when he said that her hair was beautiful. It wasn't true to her, but he thought so. So she couldn't help, but nod slightly at him to allow him.

His grin became wider than ever as he scooted behind her, so that he could braid it. She sat calmly and continued to eat her lunch. His hands then wrapped around her hair gently. His fingers were smooth and it slightly tickled her. It didn't make her laugh or anything though.

Behind her, she did not notice how flustered Hitoshi's face was at that moment. Neither did she notice him sniffing her hair. It smelled beautiful and clean. Now he knew what shampoo she had used.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading! ((:

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