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     Hitoshi drove his car to a stop in front of [Y/N]'s house and unlocked the door for her to leave. He stared at the beautiful girl sitting beside him and longed to touch those soft lips with his own. But patience, he repeated over and over in his brain. "I had a great time with you, [Y/N]. Let's hang out together again soon," he said to her.

      [Y/N] blinked with those dark, pulling eyes with a small smile. "Yes we should. Thank you for everything. The movie was really good and the dinner was delicious," she replied. She gave him a tiny wave and then in a swift move, she was out of his car. Just as if it followed her, his happiness seeped out of him and he wished he could just come with her into her house. He sat there in his seat, his eyes trailing after [Y/N], until the moment she disappeared into her home.

     When she was gone, he picked up his own disappointment, but knew he had other matters in his hands. During this day with [Y/N], he really talked about some deep shit with her. None of it was fake either and he had never told anyone about his abuse before her. He was glad she was the first to hear about it and the fact that she hugged him made it even better.

     Anyway, that wasn't the point. The point was his story. He had riled through his memories when [Y/N] had asked about his family and while telling the story, he remembered about that horrible nanny again. He remembered all the pain he had received while living with her and though he didn't show it to [Y/N], he wanted revenge. All his anger being bottled up together throughout these years may have started with his parents, but the nanny rose it up to its peaks.

     The only way to release his anger some more? By killing that wretched woman. Before he was weak and scared as hell, but this time he had already had victims and it'll be easy to get rid of this next one.

     This....this was also for [Y/N]. It'll make sure that that damn woman won't ever be able to come back to hurt him or his love.

     Now was a great time to hunt her down. He hadn't gotten his hands messy of blood for a while and he still had hours of nothing to do for the rest of the day. Plus....the sooner, the better.

     He pulled his car out of [Y/N]'s driveway and drove to the closest park from where he was at. Going back to his house was a bit of his hassle, so it was better to plan out something here. He took his phone out and called a number he rarely called. It was one his parents....his mother's number.

     Slightly grimacing, he waited until a voice called out from the other side. "Hello?" said a woman's voice.

     "It's me, your son," he replied in a monotone voice, awfully similar to [Y/N]'s from a month ago.

     "Oh Hitoshi. What is it? Do you need more cash? Tell me what you need quick, because I've gotta go to a meeting soon," she murmured. He gritted his teeth and his hands clenched tightly. She couldn't even utter out a hello? How are you doing? But it wasn't like he was surprised. His parents were always like this to him, even as a child.

     "No, I just need the address of the nanny you hired for me a few years ago. It's her birthday today and I want to give her flowers," he lied, trying to keep his anger at a calm.

    "Didn't you fire her?" she asked him with a suspicious tone.

    "Yeah, but that doesn't mean I didn't like her," he continued to lie.

     His mother sighed. "Fine. I'll send you the address by text. Now stop asking me for more. I can't be late."

     Without a bye, the call ended and Hitoshi stared at the dark screen, feeling stressed. He didn't want to admit it, but it always hurt whenever he talked to his parents. But.....but this wasn't the time to dwell on it. A sound went off from his phone and he looked down. The nanny's address was right there. Killing her was going to feel satisfying....hopefully it could cover the hole in his heart that was left by his parents.

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