Sunset Mood

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     He laid down the red, plaid blanket on the grass and quickly set himself on it. He then looked up to meet his brown eyes with [Y/N], who was just standing there. "Come sit down with me, I don't bite," Hitoshi chuckled, patting down on the spot beside him.

      She smiled and hesitantly moved herself to sit down. She looked out from where they were and placed her legs on the large rocks in front of them. Below them were waves that hit those rocks. "Do you go here often?" she asked. "The beach, I mean."

     He nodded, his wet purple hair flopping around. "This is the place where I always go when too much stress consume me. I would usually go alone, but from now on, I want to go with you. I'm glad I shared this place with you."

     Her cheeks flamed up at that comment and she ducked her head down. "Sure, I'll come here with you some more," she muttered. Hitoshi chuckled and pumped his fists in the air in happiness.

     She brought her head back up to see a dazzling view. The day was soon ending and the sun was reaching the horizon. It reflected against the water and the sky turned into a world full of orange and pink shades. Her eyes trailed upward and it roamed everywhere, staring in wonder.

      "This is so breathtaking," a soft sound came out next to her. Her eyes went back down to see it was Hitoshi who said that. She realized he was also looking up at the sky in amazement.

      The sight of him pulled her heartstrings. He looked breathtaking. His hair was over his eyes and his eyes had the light of the sun on them. His mouth stretched into a grin, but at the same time they widened into an 'o' in surprisement. She was close enough to him to see the small dimples that lined up on the sides of his faces and the eyelashes that flicked up and down repeatedly.

     Her eyes drifted back to his lips. They were now back in a smile. A smile full of peace and innocence. How could he look so innocent when his past was so awful? His past was even worse than hers and he still kept his cool all these years.

     Now that her eyes were on his lips, she couldn't seem to pull them away. The pink softness of it that represented how Hitoshi saved her made her want to come even closer.

      Hitoshi's eyes were suddenly on her and he looked at her in confusion. "What's wrong?"

      "I want to kiss you," the words fell out of her mouth before she could stop them.

      Immediately, his entire face grew red and he flinched. "W-what d-do you m-mean, [Y/N]? "

      "Please let me kiss you," she whispered.

      He came back to his position and grabbed her arms. He was about to open his mouth to ask another question, but before he could, the figure in front of him had put her lips on his. His eyes bulged into huge saucers before he couldn't help but give in and kiss her back.

      This was her first kiss, but she never thought it would be something like this. She only heard about this kind of kiss in fairytales and books in which she had hated back then. She never thought she would ever kiss anyone, much less with a person she'd like. But now she just did, all because of Hitoshi, the boy she liked.

      The sunset against their skins, her mouth wrapped around his as if it fitted perfectly. His lips were just as smooth as she had imagined. They went on at a gentle rythym, with their tongues entwined. She somehow had her hands around his neck and his were somehow gently tangled in her hair. Her heart thumped angrily against her chest and her hands were shaking. The kiss was steadily growing more intense. Hitoshi pressed onto her harder and the passion between bursted. She shivered at the feeling of it.

     It was frightening how happy she was.

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