Bare White

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     Hitoshi had cracked the guy's neck with a sickening crunch and his heart started beating wildly. The body's head had detached from the body. Never had he felt so hyped. The beautiful white bones that was now in half laid on top of the now dead corpse. Just the sight of him made him grin wide. He was always interested in Science whenever they had to dissect some sort of animal. Now he even had the chance to dissect this person.

     He looked down at his hands to see a mess of blood. Then he looked at Sora, who's face was paling to stone white and his eyes were rolled back. His mouth was opened for the words he had never got the chance to say.

     Hitoshi flinched as if he had just been electrocuted. He....he had actually just killed a person.... This guy's blood was on his hands. He had just committed murder.... eighteen year old boy had just brought death to another person.

    He clenched over and squinted his eyes shut, allowing the metallic scent of blood wrap around his noses. could he? Why did he? What was happening to him?

     A few tears fell from his eyes and he had just sat there. Until the thought of [Y/N] entered his mind. He straightened up right away and thought of her flowy dark hair blowing against the wind. Her [E/C] eyes shined brightly as the moonlight hit her.

    He looked at the corpse again and forced out a smile again. This was not the time to be dwelling over his dumb emotions. He was right to kill this guy. He had to protect her and this was the only way. He was not a murderer. He....he wasn't. He was a savior instead.

    He took a deep breath and in a sudden movement, he plunged his hands into the corpse and broke the body into many pieces. When he was done, he grabbed the backpack he brought and dumped all of it into there. He then put on his black hoodie and covered his bloody attire. He brought his hood up to cover his face and stuffed his red hands into his pockets. It was time to go before Sora's parents comes home.

    He walked through the sidewalks and welcomed the darkness. It helped him with gaining no attention and it was an easy and swift walk. He arrived at his dark house and entered it.

    Since he lived alone, that was a great advantage. He wouldn't have to hide all this from his....parents.

    He entered his cold bedroom and dropped the smelly backpack onto the floor. He then went to his bathroom to go rinse himself off immediately.

    Not long after, the bathroom filled with the blood...the blood that was not his own. He stared at it as if in a daze and didn't do anything for a bit. If anyone had seen him in this situation, they would've been terrified.

     He then drained the red water and dried himself off. He looked at himself in the mirror. He had already looked like himself again. There was no trace that he had just killed a person a while ago. He looked like a happy, young, regular old Hitoshi. He grinned at the mirror and his smile looked real. He nodded to himself. He was really going to get away with this.

    He then put on his clothes and exited the bathroom. He went back to his bedroom and could smell the blood from the backpack. Before he knew it, his knelt his legs onto the floor and crawled to the backpack. He felt eager for some reason and his fingers were itching to touch the backpack. It was as if there was some magnetic force that was pulling him in.

     Blood oozed out from the black backpack and he couldn't help, but smile in a weird way. It was time to play with organs.

Organic (Yandere)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz