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     [Y/N] quietly walked out of her bedroom and went into the now empty kitchen. Both her mother and her brother were in the living room, so this was the chance to quickly eat her dinner without having to talk to them. She saw the pasta her mother made on the counter and scooped some into her bowl.

    She sat back down and silently thank the food before digging in. She ate stealthily and made sure she wouldn't catch the attention of her mother's. The food was delicious and in no time, she was finished.

    She grabbed the bowl and went to the sink. She sighed at the sight of it. If she were to wash her dish, this would definitely catch attention. Yet she would never let her mother clean her dishes.

    She washed it with low water, but of course, when she turned to walk back to her room, her mother's face popped up.

    Her mother looked at her with a nervous smile. Even her mother was kind of scared of her. They never talked much after her father died and whenever her mother tells her to do something, she doesn't listen.

    "Hi honey," said her mother. [Y/N] made no movement as she stared expressionless at her mother. She could see that her mother had gulped. "I...I was just wondering if you would like to go the movies with us tomorrow."

    "No, thank you," she answered, sounding like a robot.

    Her mother's face fell with disappointment, but she quickly covered it up. "Would you mind buying a few things from the convenience store then?"

     [Y/N] nodded her head. That, she could do. So she went to her mother and grabbed the list and the money from her. She left the kitchen right afterwards and exited the house.

    Goosebumps grew from her skin as she walked down to the sidewalks. She had only put on a thin windbreaker jacket over her school uniform. Like always, she didn't care about how cold she felt. And the convenience store was only five minutes walking distance away from her house.

     She glanced up at the darkening sky to see that there were no stars. The clouds had covered them up.

    She reached the store and went through the aisles of food to look for the items her mother had wanted her to buy. She checked them all out when she got them and left the store. The sky was truly dark now. She had better get home now.

    While she was leaving, she spotted a guy walking on the sidewalk as well. He had the same school uniform and for some reason, he was heading towards her. She frowned at the sight of it, but stayed where she was as he grew nearer.

     He stopped right in front of her and she blinked at him, waiting for his response. He was a red haired guy who seemed to be in the same grade as her. He was averting his eyes from her and for some reason, he looked nervous.

    " [Y/N]...." he stuttered. So he knew her name. Well, she didn't know his. "It's...nice seeing you...h-here. Also the perfect time c-confess—"

    She stopped him right there. "No," she interrupted coldly. She then stepped aside of him and started walking again. She could feel his eyes at her back, probably with shock or devastation. For this, she didn't feel an ounce of guilt.

    Why? That guy called for it. Not only did he confessed to her, the girl who thinks dating is a waste of time, but he also never talked to her before today. Did he really thought that she would accept? He should've known how small his chances were.

    She shook her head to herself. No wonder people called her the Ice Queen, but it wasn't like she cared what anybody thought anyway.

    She kept walking home, but she never realized until it was too late that there had been another person during the encounter that night. That person's mind spun crazily as they started to plan something gruesome.

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