Cotton Candy

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     As the roller coaster did the large drop, Hitoshi was still holding [Y/N]'s hand and for some reason, he could feel that her entire body was rumbling beside him. Thinking that she was shaking from fear, he quickly turned his head to the right. Preparing to do more to comfort her, he stopped midway when he saw an unbelievable sight.

     She was not scared—she was not even close to being scared. Instead, she was laughing. Her pale, soft looking lips were stretched out up and wide. The creases of her eyes crinkled and a beautiful sound came out of her mouth. It was breathtaking. He no longer paid attention to the roller coaster. All he could focused on now was her.

     He still couldn't believe the sight before him. Scared that it might be a dream, he quickly pinched himself. Flinching, he grinned. Nope, it was definitely not a dream. [Y/N] laughing beside him was real. That meant she could finally smile, right? A burst of excitement spread through his body. He was so glad that he brought her to the amusement park today.

     During the rest of the ride, he couldn't peel his eyes off her. She didn't notice him doing so at all. He was falling more and more in love with her everyday and now seeing her face in such a state like this, his love for her had shot upward and skyrocketed. He knew it won't be much longer before he won't be able to keep his hands off of her. He was going to have to somehow make her feelings mutual to his, soon.

     When they got off the roller coaster, they went over to sit on a bench. [Y/N] was no longer laughing, but she still had a small smile on her face. Hitoshi cleared his throat awkwardly, making her stare at him. "You can finally smile and laugh. You look pretty," he told her.

     She looked down in embarrassment. "Thank you. I didn't expect something to be so much fun. It feels so natural to smile now. It's crazy how I couldn't seem to smile before."

     She dropped her smile and then smiled again. She did it repeatedly and looked surprised every time she could do it. Hitoshi chuckled. She was just too damn cute for his poor heart. Before he would even dare to have the urge to go and kiss her right this instant, he brought up a different topic. "Where would you like to go next?"

     She stopped smiling and he sort of regretted asking. If he could, he would just sit all day and watch her smile. It would be the most entertaining thing to him. "Um....w-well..." she stammered. She ducked her head shyly. "I've never tried cotton candy before. Do you think I could try some?"

     "Of course. Anything for you," he assured her. Her eyes lit up as he held out his hand towards her. She grabbed it and the two of them stood up from the bench to go find the nearest cotton candy booth stand. They found one after walking a few hundred feet and he quickly went to buy one for her.

     He took glimpses at her staring at the process of making a cotton candy in fascination. The man in the booth had put sugar in the machine before he poked a stick into it. Whirling it around the machine, the cotton candy magically appeared and [Y/N] seemed to be loving every second of it.

     She had already changed so much already. He hadn't ever expected it to be this quick. It felt too good to be real. But he knew this was the easy part. The part of making her fall in love with him was probably going to be a lot harder. He had to figure out a plan for it later.

     The man gave [Y/N] the cotton candy and she grabbed it eagerly. She took a bite of it the moment she had gotten it, but made a weird face afterwards. "This wasn't exactly what I thought it would taste like. The texture of it is cool, but it's a bit too sweet," she said thoughtfully.

     Hitoshi laughed. "That's the point of it. Candy has to be sweet."

     She asked if he wanted some cotton candy and told him that she doesn't exactly want anymore. He didn't exactly like cotton candy either, but he accepted it without hesitation and ate the whole thing. Oh....the things he'd do for [Y/N].

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