Seductive Fashion

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     [Y/N] looked up at the small house in front of her and suddenly felt really self conscious of herself. Something overcame herself this morning and she decided to dress up in clothes that....let's just say, she would never ever wear. But somehow, today was a little different for her and she felt the need of wanting to impress a certain person. She was wearing a shirt matched with a mini-skirt. Sure, she wore a skirt for her uniform at school, but this one was much more shorter....and it wrapped around tightly to make her curves look good.

     She instantly regretted wearing these clothes the minute she arrived to Hitoshi's house, but it was too late to back out. She was nervous to see what his reaction was and hoped she won't embarrass herself while looking like this.

     The day when Hitoshi asked her to hang out with him, he offered her a ride to his house, but she declined. She didn't want him to drive her back and forth like that, but now she regretted that too. She wore heels—yes, along with her outfit, and walking here like that was hurting her feet.

     It was already off to an amazing start, she thought to herself with a sigh. Finally summoning enough courage to go meet Hitoshi, she slowly walked up the driveway and went up to the front door. She took a deep breath and brought her finger forward to ring the doorbell.

     In a matter of only a few seconds, the door opened up and there he was, the purple haired boy in all his glory. He was dressed in really casual clothes and that got [Y/N] feeling self conscious all over again. She had probably overdressed.

     "[Y/N]! You're finally here...." he greeted. He ended it by trailing off as he scanned her entire body. When he noticed what she was wearing, his face quickly grew red and he averted his eyes somewhere else. That got herself to fluster as well. "You look really pretty today."

     Pretty? She didn't expect approval, nevertheless, a compliment. Her already flustered face turned even more red. "O-oh....thank you," she mustered a reply.

     "Just don't wear this in public, okay? The thing is, there might be creepy boys around and they will start staring know....your ass," he explained. He scratched his head awkwardly and when their eyes met briefly for a second, he was the first to turn away again. Meanwhile, [Y/N] was just staring at the boy in front of her as her heart started lurching. This guy was so protective of her...and it made her feel cared for.

     "I'm so sorry," she apologized. "Maybe I should go quickly change into something else."

     "No! Don't! It's fine since we're just staying here. You're only going to be around me.... I'm not a creepy boy, am I?" he asked with a teasing glint in his eyes.

     "Of course not," she said, a small smile forming on her face.

     "Then come on in. I wouldn't want my special guest to be standing out here all day," he responded. He backed into the house and allowed her to step in. She got into the warm house and he closed the door behind her. He led her to the living room, which brought memories back to when she injured herself. This was the room where Hitoshi treated her wounds. He gestured her to sit down, so she sat on his couch. "Would you like to drink anything? Water, tea, juice?"

     "Tea is fine. Thank you," she said. He nodded and disappeared from her sight, probably heading to the kitchen.

     She waited for a few minutes and was lost in her own thoughts. She peacefully sat there and her eyes wandered about of the living. She then noticed something. His house smelled really clean. It was also really neat and organized.

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