Dangerous Eyes

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     "Really?! Oh goodie!" the nanny exclaimed excitedly, her anger melting away. She clapped her hands together. "Wow, you have definitely changed. You're now even letting me beat you up without needing me to force you. You're not that whiny boy back then." She stood up from the couch and even went as far as rubbing her crusty hand on his head. Hitoshi choked at the feeling of her nails digging into his scalp and forced himself not to slap it away. Just a little more...

     When her disgusting hand finally left his head, he stood up as well and she led him into another room. It was one that seemed to somehow be darker than the living room, which already had been dark. The bulb in the corner of the room wasn't even flickering; it was just dim.

     This room was supposedly to be a "guest room", but there was no bed and instead, the room was filled of creepy looking objects, as in things that could be used to beat someone up. Obviously, it made sense to why this woman had such a room.

     She stopped in the middle of the room and looked back at him, her eyes filled of glee. "Come sit down here and get yourself comfortable....this is going to be a long night," she said. Long night indeed, but not in the way she thinks it's going to go. He followed her instructions obediently and she went to go grab something from the room. It turned out to be a metal baseball bat.

     She rushed right back and took a few deep breaths. "Ready or not, here I come!" she yelled, swinging the bat as far back as she could. The moment the bat came forward, Hitoshi whipped his legs out and easily tripped the woman. She fell to the ground, the bat hitting the ground loudly. She pulled herself up and seethed at him. "What are you doing?!"

     "Oh, that was an accident. I'm sorry nanny," he lied, looking innocently at her. She seemed to believe that for a second, but it disappeared when he stood up from the ground and came at her. He dropped his hand at her own head and wrinkled his nose at the sight of her gross, greasy, white hair. He didn't want to touch her hair, but it was a great way of torture and he didn't want to lose this chance.

    As fast as lightning, his hand grabbed the bundle of her hair and he yanked it upward. He yanked it so hard and fast that the woman let out the worst ear-splitting scream ever. The crackly sound echoed through the house and blood was dripping from her head. She was hanging in the air by her hair and she was doing anything she could to get Hitoshi to let her hair go. But he wouldn't budge and ignored her useless tries at clawing him and his arm. "Let me go, you son of a bitch! I will kill you and all of your family!"

     He let out a cold chuckle and stared at the sad-looking lady with dangerous, dark eyes. "I honestly doubt that. Before you can even think of killing anyone, you'd already be dead by then," he responded.

     She stopped moving for a moment and her eyes widened. No longer was she mad; she started to look scared. "What? You would kill me? No you can't. You were that weak boy all those years ago....you couldn't possibly be able to kill a person," she pointed out nervously.

     He let go of her hair and she dropped back to the ground again. She tried to move away from him, but he stepped on her legs and she became trapped. The bones on her legs cracked. She let out another scream at the pain.

     "Didn't you say how I changed? Well, you're right, I did change. I changed so much because of you and my parents. I changed so much that I could kill people. I've killed three people already....did you know that?" he said.

     She was getting more and more terrified by the second that her whole body was trembling by now. "Please have mercy on me. I'm an old lady....I-I won't ever bother you a-again!" she whimpered.

     He tossed his head back and laughed for the longest time, as if what she said was the funniest thing ever. When he gathered his breath again, he got up to her face with a sneer. "Mercy? You'd be the last person I'd ever show mercy to."

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