Dreamlike World

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     Another week had pass and everything in [Y/N]'s life was going so well that it all felt like a dream. Usually dreams would eventually come to an end, but she sincerely hoped that this would last forever until the day she dies. Except, sometimes our wishes can't last that long, especially since the world was such a cruel place.

     [Y/N] was walking into the courtyard to go eat with Hitoshi during lunch. Slowly more and more people were coming outside to eat in the courtyard because of the warm weather coming at them all. She would've felt annoyed and awkward a few months ago, but now she didn't mind the people at all. Hitoshi was enough to make her feel comfortable.

      Hitoshi was already there, sitting beneath the tree and waiting for her. He had a grin on his face and the sweet sun beamed down onto him, reflecting his hazel eyes and making his purple hair pop out even more. Hitoshi certainly looked like a prince from a dream....a prince who saved her from distress.

     She got closer to him and was about to come to a stop....but she suddenly slipped on the wet grass. She gasped in shock as she tried to regain her balance, but was too late to do so. She shut her eyes in fear and expected to hit the hard ground, but instead...a pair of gentle arms held her.

     She flicked her eyes open and found Hitoshi's eyes staring back at her just a few inches away from her. She had fallen on top on him and he caught her in time. His arms were wrapped around her back and he was very close to her. He was close enough for her to see the soft smatter of freckles that dotted his face and the long, thick eyelashes he had. He was slightly panting and his warm breath hit her cheek. Her back tingled from his touch and her heartbeat rate increased.

     "Are you okay?" he asked her, looking over her with an expression of worry.

     She jumped out of her trance and took this moment to sit up and move away from him. "I'm okay...but what about you? Did my fall hurt you at all?"

     "Aw, you're actually caring about me now," he teased with smile. "No, I'm not hurt. Thank you for asking."

     She felt her face flush and quickly looked away to take out her lunch bag from her backpack. What Hitoshi said was true though. It shifted from her thinking him as another stranger in this stupid world to being a friend. She apparently does care for him now. She cared for him enough that he has the freedom and chance to be able to hurt her whenever he pleases. But she doubt he'd actually do that; he was the kindest boy in the school, after all.

     "Hey, do you think we can do something again during the weekend?" he asked her, snapping her out of her daze.

     Finally feeling like she had enough strength to look back at him in the eye, she stared at him with interest. "I would like that. Where do you plan on going this time?"

     "I was thinking we could just chill and hang out at my house, if that's okay with you," he answered. She thought back to the time when she got injured and the two of them went to his house, so that he could bandage it up. His house was definitely not as thrilling or fun as an amusement park or a farm, but it seemed nice and relaxing.

     "That's fine with me," she said.

     "Yes!" he cheered, pumping a fist up into the air. "Get ready [Y/N]. I'll prepare the most delicious dinner for you and make the greatest plans known to mankind!"

     She chuckled at his excitement and nodded. Digging into her food once again, she savored the taste of the food, the softness of the grass beneath her, and how smooth her life was. Feeling the urge of extending her fingers onto the keys of her piano, she promised herself to play it when she gets home. For once, she would be playing it not for her anger, but for her happiness.

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