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     [Y/N] walked out of her bedroom and headed out the kitchen to eat some food. She went to grab some of the noodles her mother made and started eating them. As she ate, she heard her mother and her brother speaking in hushed voices. It got her curious, since they would usually talk loudly everyday.

     She took her bowl with her and crept to the living room to see the two. The TV was on and for some reason they had some grim looks on their faces. Luckily, the didn't notice her, due to having a lot of attention on the screen. She went to stare at the screen as well and suddenly widened her eyes when she saw it.

     The TV was on a news channel....and....and for some reason....the picture of the red haired boy that she had encountered from before....was on it.

     She gulped and continued to listen. The news reporter continued to talk.

     "This boy has gone missing. An eighteen year old boy named Sora Yamamoto had gone to school one day and never came back home. He has been missing since three days ago and the police had seen no signs or clues to where he has gone so far. Neither had they seen a body," said the lady new reporter. She continued talking, but to [Y/N], that was enough.

     She exited the living room quietly and went back to the kitchen. At the dark table, she stared blankly downward. This boy....she had known him....she had just talked to him a few days he was either missing or dead.

      Goosebumps crawled up her arm and she shivered. She wrapped her arms around herself as she felt more frightened. She hoped he was missing instead of dead. If....if he was dead....she wouldn't know what to do. What if it was her fault? What if he ran away because of her? Because she rejected him?

     She abruptly stood up from the table and hurried back into the silence of her room. She heard her mother calling for her, but she ignored it. She locked the door to her tiny room and slid down to the floor.

     For some reason, her eyes felt stingy and things wanted to come out of her eyes. She wanted to cry. It had been years since she cried though and she wasn't going to start again. She wasn't going to allow it, but she wanted to. It was weird. It was weird with how many emotions she had been feeling these past weeks. Too many emotions than she have wanted. Too many emotions for the dumbest reasons ever. She shouldn't feel anything for anyone. It was their life and this was her's. Whatever they do was their own business.

      She had been feeling guilt a lot, because of how bad of a person she was. She did bad things to other people. Yet why should she care?

     She clenched her arms and suddenly leaned her head down to the carpet. She looked under her bed and found what she was looking for. It was a small stuffed fairy. She took it and stared at it. It was from....her father. Her loving and kind father. He had beautiful long black hair in which he had always tied it up into a man bun. He was one of those chill dads. He was one of those dads who would cherish their children until death.

     [Y/N] took one of the earrings she had been wearing. She stared at the pretty fairy one last time before she stabbed the metal and pointy part of the earring into the heart of the fairy.

      There. She had taken out her heart. Now she was going to be heartless and void of even more emotions. With no emotions, life was going to be easier.

Organic (Yandere)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα