Preparing and Impressions

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     [Y/N] had to ask her mother for help this time. On the day Hitoshi asked her for another hang out, she went to her mother right away. She wanted to prepare for it as early as possible. So she came home and approached the woman who was luckily home that day. "Hi mom," she greeted. Her mother looked up and smiled at her, but her eyes widened at the question [Y/N] asked. "Where does one go to buy a swimsuit?"

     "Do you have another date with that same friend this weekend?" her mother guessed, wiggling her eyebrows playfully.

     She frowned and felt her face grow red. "We're just friends," she insisted.

      "Well then, I'd still like to meet this wonderful boy who's stealing my daughter's time all this time," she teased. She then grew serious. "But no, seriously. I want you to bring him into the house this weekend. You need my approval."

      Oh wow then! Who knew her mother could be protective sometime. Usually the son or daughter would be annoyed by this overprotectiveness, but to [Y/N], she felt a surge of warmth in her heart. Her mother actually cared about her and it felt nice.

      "Alright then, I'll invite him over before we go to the beach," she easily responded. Her mother's face brightened at this reply.

      "Now," she continued, bringing up a different topic, "about where to buy swimsuits....I'll just drive you to a shop once you're done with your homework if you have time today." The woman then went back to her job at the kitchen and [Y/N] went to her room to finish off her school work.

      When she completed it all, she went to buy the swimsuit with her mother. Which turned out to be much harder than she thought it was going to be. She picked out ones that seemed 'ugly' to her mother and her mother picked ones that were too skimpy for her. After hours of searching for the perfect one, they settled upon a cute looking one piece.

     Not only that, that shopping trip felt like a nice mother daughter bonding time. She never thought she could be this happy.

     The day turned dark and the next few school days rushed by with school and Hitoshi. She was able to inform him at school about how her mother wanted to meet him and he excitedly accepted it.

     Now it was the day for her first ever beach visit and the first time ever to introduce her mother to Hitoshi.

     Feeling immensely anxious about this entire day, she stared at herself through her slightly broken mirror. She was wearing her bathing suit and the amount of skin it was showing of her made her self conscious. But she shook her head at herself and told herself that she wouldn't be the only one wearing this type of wear. So she took a deep breath and put on her t-shirt and shorts over her swimsuit.

     She then looked out of her bedroom window. Also, Hitoshi had picked out the perfect day to go to the beach. It was only spring, but today was actually really warm. It was probably warm enough that they would be able to swim.

      Finally feeling somewhat brave enough to step out of the room, she was met by her mother waiting right by the stairs. Her mother looked ready to meet to meet this mysterious friend. She was even combing her hair with her fingers to make sure her first impression would be great.

     [Y/N] sort of grimaced at that. Hopefully this meeting won't go as awkward as she was envisioning it to be. She didn't really know how to introduce two people to each other, but maybe this could be a learning lesson for her.

     The doorbell of the house echoed and she froze in her spot. Meanwhile, her mother was rushing down the stairs and opened the door rapidly.

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