Face to Face

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     [Y/N] left the house and started the walk towards school. She mentally cursed at herself when she felt the heart in her chest hammering wildly. It was because she was unsure of what to do. What to do or what to say when she meets Hitoshi. What to do to fix this problem. She wasn't even sure of what he was going to do or say. It felt like the control was out of her hands, which wasn't something she was used to.

     The view of the school suddenly came into her view. She tried not to wince at the sight of it and kept her face as neutral as she can. She had to succeed today. She cannot let anyone else break her walls down today. She cannot repeat that mistake. It just cannot be done.

     Maybe she could try to avoid him the whole, right? It might just work—

     "[Y/N]?" said a soft, gentle voice behind her. She froze before the steps of the school and took a deep breath before turning around to meet Hitoshi. Her face was back to a cold, neutral gaze and it looked as if nothing ever happened between them at all yesterday. But he already knew what hid behind her strong gaze. His stare was careful and he looked at her as if she was some sort of delicate doll. She despised that he was staring her like that.

     "Yes?" she asked him curtly.

     "Look....about yesterday—" he started.

     "Forget about anything I said yesterday," she interrupted.

     "But-" he continued.

     She turned away from him and hurriedly walked into the school. He called after like what he had done many times ago, but as per usual, she ignored him. She passed through the crowds of students and found her classroom before rushing in. She sat down on her desk and closed her eyes for a few seconds, feeling slightly irritated and helpless.

      It didn't help that she noticed some people staring at her when she opened her eyes once again. But that didn't matter as much, because she was mostly worrying about lunch time.

     It was time for the dreading moment that [Y/N] was waiting for. She took out her packed lunch out of her backpack and thought of what to do as she left the classroom. It turned out that she couldn't face Hitoshi at all, so the safest bet was to hide from him. That meant she couldn't head towards the courtyard. Now she didn't know where to eat.

     She left the classroom and looked around the hallways to make sure that a purple haired boy wasn't anywhere around. That was when she spotted something. It was janitor's closet. She widened her eyes at the small door and decided to eat in there. Who cares if she were to eat in a cramp, dirty janitor closet. It was better than to deal Hitoshi and the conflicting emotions. She may be a coward, but it didn't matter.

      She hesitantly opened the closet door to see no one in there. So she went in and closed the door behind her. Looking around the closet, she noticed that it was indeed small. It smelt slightly of soap and cafeteria food, but she didn't care.

     She sat down onto the dirty ground and took out her food. She ate her food in silence and continued to eat it until she finished everything. Hitoshi was never ever going to find her in here.

     Twenty minutes had passed and she had just finished her lunch. As she was about to put her containers and bowls back into her lunch bag, the door in front of her creaked open. She scrambled in panick around on the ground, thinking it was the janitor, but instead....it revealed him.

     His purple hair was all ruffled and his face was soaked in sweat as if he had just ran a marathon or something. He was breathing heavily and looking tired, but he still managed to give her a sweet, little smile. "There you are," he said.

     She had never wanted to scream more than now in her life.

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