Manners Tucked Away

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     A week passed quickly and today, [Y/N] was going on a date with a Hitoshi! Feeling immensely full of nerves, she looked at the dress that she had bought yesterday. He said that he was bringing her to a formal restaurant so since she didn't have any dresses, she had to go shopping. It was a silky, midnight blue color of a dress and it was beautiful. It reached her knees and it was a spaghetti strap dress, which was what made her feel self conscious about.

     Breathing in and out slowly, she stripped herself from her sleep clothes and put the dress on herself. Looking at herself in the mirror, she could already feel herself blushing. It revealed her shoulders and some part of her legs. Sure, her uniform did the same for her legs, but this was somehow different.

     Somebody suddenly busted into her room and her shoulders tensed up. Dammit, she had totally forgotten to lock the doors. Turning to see who it was, she saw it was her mother. Her mother was staring at her in awe.

     "You look gorgeous honey," her mother stated with the largest grin. "This is making me so happy. You've grown into such a beautiful woman. I need to take a picture of this. Hold on....I'll go grab my phone."

      Before [Y/N] could protest at that, her mother darted out of the bedroom. She hurriedly came back and looking so, so, so happy that [Y/N] couldn't seem to stop her. She let her mother take a picture of her and it was probably a very awkward picture of her, but she liked to see her mother all happy.

     The doorbell rang and they both froze up. "I think I should get going now," she said. Her mother nodded excitedly and told her to have fun. The two of them hugged and off she went.

     Opening the door, her heart lurched at the sight of Hitoshi in a suit. His purple hair was gelled up nicely and his outfit made him look very elegant. He looked like a prince and she couldn't help but gape at him a little. Apparently, from Hitoshi's face reaction, he was also thinking the same thing about her as he stared at her.

     "You look lovely," he breathed out without even greeting.

     "And you look handsome," she replied, blush taking over her face.

     He held out his hand and she grabbed onto it, his warmth wrapping around her clammy palm. "Shall we go?" he politely asked. She nodded and they walked away from the house and into Hitoshi's car.

     He opened the car door for her, so she climbed in. He came in afterwards and they just sat there. Hitoshi hadn't started the engine yet and he was lost in thought. It made her a bit confused. "Is there something wrong?" she worriedly questioned.

     His eyes flew to her and he shrugged. His eyes were intense and it felt as though they were burning right into her. "I'm just thinking about how hard it's going to be to keep my hands off of you."

     She widened her eyes and she shivered. Unsure of what to say, she could only utter one word out. "Oh."

     "Do you give me permission to kiss you right now before we enter a formal place where we have to keep our manners?" He looked her and within his eyes, she could see they were begging.

     Holding her breath, she mutely nodded. In a millisecond, their lips had connected. This time it wasn't as slow. He was kissing her fiercely and pressing against her hard. He moved himself from his seat to her seat and now she was tangled with him while sitting on his lap. He was holding onto her tightly as if he never wanted to let her go. She was grasping onto his shirt and was blooming in happiness. He was the only person she had ever kissed, but he was an amazing kisser. That made her wonder: had he ever kissed anyone before her?

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