Instrumental Thoughts

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      Today was the day of that Hitoshi was coming over and to [Y/N]'s relief, her mother had errands to run this Saturday. She was glad she won't have to deal with more awkwardness. Her brother was home though, but hopefully he won't start anything up.

     The doorbell rang and this time she went down the stairs to greet the person. Not surprisingly, it was Hitoshi, standing there in all his glory. Just the sight of him made her throat cramp up. Clearing her throat, she nervously smiled at him and greeted him. "Hey."

     "Hello, love," he replied, making her heart jump. She invited him in and she led him into her bedroom, where there wouldn't be her brother's loud gaming noises. They settled down on her bed and then she wasn't sure what to do. She looked over at Hitoshi and saw that he was glancing around her room. "This is the first time I'm in your room. It looks nice."

     "You like it? It's pretty empty in here though," she pointed out. All these years she never cared how her room looked and never filled with anything except for her few valuable things. Now she felt embarrassed that a person saw it; Hitoshi's room was probably way better than hers.

     "That's why I like it," he said. "It's simple and carefree, and it totally matches your personality." His eyes suddenly scanned over to the piano in the corner of her room. Her own eyes followed.

     "Oh, I guess I never told you I that I play piano," she urgently explained.

     He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, but closed it. After a few seconds, he finally opened it back up again. "You must be really good at playing it. I want to hear you play," he requested.

     "I usually played it a lot back when I had been bottling my emotions in. It was basically my friend that helped me cope with everything all these years," she recalled. "But now, because I've changed, I haven't really touched it since. I won't be so good and the only songs I know will sound sad and lonely."

     "I still want to hear you play it, [Y/N]," he urged. "Please."

     She noticed the longing on his face and she gave in. She mutely nodded and he instantly beamed at her. She stood up from the bed and walked over to the dark, large instrument. Hitoshi came over there as well and leaned on the wall next to the piano, patiently waiting for her to play.

     Sitting down with the piano in front of her, her fingers hovered on top of them. Shaking a little, she looked up at the purple haired boy with fear splattered across her face. "I've never played in front of anyone before....except for when I was really young."

     "I will never judge you," he gently assured her. "Act like I'm not here at all and just feel the beauty of the keys across your fingers."

     That helped her a lot so she focused back onto the piano. Taking a deep breath, she started the first song that came to her mind; the first one that was taught by her father. Her eyes fluttered shut and her fingers did all the job. Listening to the lull of the special song, she kept on playing it until it was done. She had gotten a few notes wrong, but other than that, it still sounded like how it should sound.

     When it was completed, Hitoshi clapped proudly for her and she looked down in embarrassment. She had never thought she would ever have an audience who'd watch her play, but here she was.

     "The scene of you looking so effortlessly and at the same time, passionately while playing such a hard song will never leave my mind," he said, grinning widely. "Don't ever quit playing the piano [Y/N]. Sure, you played it because you were always lonely before, but you can still play what you love without a reason."

     She had said she didn't know how to love yet, but was he right? Maybe she couldn't love people yet, but she could love playing the piano.

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