Evolved Goal

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     [Y/N] felt like there was something wrong with her. When her mother asked her questions about her day at the beach, she could barely focus and her mind was in a daze. She could barely sleep last night and whenever her eyes closed, she started to think about Hitoshi; the way his warm, chocolate eyes pull her in to the texture of his lips when she kissed him. Just thinking about that made her heart speed up entirely and she would then tousle and turn, her forehead sticky with sweat.

     Now in the bright light of the next day, she yawned due to the lack of sleep. Though she was tired, her mind was still full of thoughts and her body hummed with excitement, knowing she was going to see Hitoshi at school.

      Walking on the sidewalk, she listened above to the birds chirping and felt the sun beaming down against her head. She was close to her school so she started to see the other students who were also walking to school. Though [Y/N] never cared enough to put a jacket on during the winter, her classmates did, but today seemed like it was even warm enough for them not to. Everyone was fully out with their uniform and they all seemed to be more energetic now that warmth was finally coming back.

     Her eyes darted away from the other students and instead focused on the school that she could see. On the steps had Hitoshi sitting there and within a millimeter of a second, her blood pressure rose. Unsure why she was so scared to see him again, she took a deep breath and forced herself to walk up to him.

     "[Y-[Y/N]," Hitoshi stuttered. His face was blushing and his hands were in his pockets, so maybe she wasn't the only one here. That gave her hope.

     "Hey Hitoshi," she greeted back softly.

     "Sorry," he chuckled, scratching his head. "I had totally forgotten how beautiful you were."

     Now it was her turn to turn red. How could he say that so smoothly? If it were her, she would totally say it awkwardly. She thought Hitoshi was also really handsome and cute with his symmetrical face and his stylish, purple hair and that could obviously be agreed by many other girls.  But she would never have the courage to say out loud like he did for her just now. "Should we just go to class now?" she asked him, pretending to ignore what he had just said.

     His eyes darkened for a second and she felt terribly bad, but she didn't know what else to do. When it disappeared, he smiled at her as per usual. "I'll be missing you, but I guess I'll wait for lunch to see you then."

     Her heart fluttered. "Three hours isn't that long," she pointed out.

     "It is long to me," he said with a shrug. This was so strange to her. Because of that kiss, he was showing more of his own feelings and was telling her that he wanted her. How was she going to react to all of this? "Anyway, there's going to be another science lab next week, so....partners?"

     "Of course," she replied. For some reason, whenever they did labs together, they worked really well with each other. Since she enjoyed science over the other classes, doing it with someone who was compatible with her made it even more thrilling to her.

     Working with Hitoshi made her realize one thing; she wanted to work somewhere in the science field in the future. She always thought she was going to have no future, but now she understood she had wanted this all along. Her goal of expressing her feelings had brought on another goal that she could set in her life.

     She was going to become a scientist and have Hitoshi by her side.

     She mentally scolded herself. Just because they had kissed, it didn't mean he was going to become her husband. He could always find someone better than her...

     But she really hoped he wouldn't.

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