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     Hitoshi's jaw cracked as he gritted his teeth down hard when he saw it happening. He was about to leave the supermarket when he saw a red haired guy from his school talking to [Y/N]. He heard everything that they said together...and he was not happy at all.

     When [Y/N] walked away from the guy, he was able to calm a little bit down. But that didn't stop him from walking towards the shock ridden guy. He passed through the door and got outside before pushing through the crowd to get to the guy.

    "Hello," he said when he got there. The red haired boy turned to look at him and widened his eyes. It seemed as if he knew Hitoshi was....which wasn't really surprising. He was pretty well known in the school.

     "O-oh! Hi....Hitoshi!" exclaimed the guy.

     Hitoshi shot him a smile that didn't seem as friendly as it usually would be. His eyes were burning a fury hatred, yet the guy didn't notice. "You're from my school. What's your name?" he asked in a demanding voice.

    "Of...of course. My name is Sora," the boy replied. Finally he found out what the name of this damn boy was. His fingers twitched with an urge to strangle Sora. He had seen this guy with [Y/N] that night. He was going to have to make sure that this guy stays away from her before he does something he'll regret.

    So Hitoshi motioned the boy to a clear space away from the commotion of the market. The boy followed eagerly, probably wanting to befriend the popular guy. When they reached the area, Hitoshi grabbed his arm swiftly with a tightened grip. Sora flinched in shock and looked as if he didn't know what to do. Hitoshi dropped his smile and gave him a dark glare.

    "Might I pleasantly warn you to stay away from that girl that you've been talking to," he said calmly.

    " mean [Y/N]?" Sora asked nervously.

    "Stay the fuck away from her unless you want to die," he repeated.

    The red head's face paled when Hitoshi said that. He himself felt shocked.

    "I-I....I don't understand. You''re just playing around.....right?" Sora gasped. Before Hitoshi could stop himself, his strong arm swung at the boy and his hand wrapped itself around the guy's neck. Sora opened his mouth and he was choking. He made sputtering sounds that sounded as if he was calling for help.

    The back of Hitoshi's mind was telling him to stop, but his heart didn't want to. He couldn't for the sake of [Y/]N]. He wouldn't. He couldn't. He wouldn't allow himself....

     His grip let go and the red head dropped the ground. He ignored the loud wheezing coming from the boy and turned away. "Don't even bother telling anyone. Nobody would believe you anyway. All it would lead you to is death."

     Then he left and went back to grab his groceries.

     Hitoshi entered his silent house while looking down at his hand. It was scaring how much he had wanted to squeeze Sora's neck until the life soaked out of him. He had never wanted to do that before.

    As he put his groceries away, he saw the shampoo and his eyes softened. He knew why he wanted to kill that guy though. The thought of her would lead him to anything. If it was for her, then killing that guy wouldn't be that bad. Just the thought of that fucking guy accusing her made his skin boil. Whoever dares to do that to his angel...his beautiful angel....would have to go through him.

    He squeezed the shampoo and the soap came out. He licked it and swallowed the bitter, slimy taste of it. He smiled. Maybe he was going on a hunt after all.

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