Five Senses Filled

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     When Hitoshi had told [Y/N] that he felt better, she unwrapped her arms around him. The warmth that came from him disappeared and she couldn't help but yearn for more. He gave her the most thankful smile before he suggested to watch a movie. "Even though things went a bit dark and unexpected for us, let's just continue about our day. I don't want ruin our time together, so we'll watch a movie now, okay?"

     He was definitely so caring. He was silently hurting, yet he still thought of her. She nodded and he took this cue to stand up from the couch. He crossed through the living room and turned on the Tv. He got onto Netflix and then turned around. "What movie would you like to watch, [Y/N]?"

     She looked embarrassed and said, "I don't really watch I don't know any good ones. You can pick."

     He chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I'll pick one of my favorites out there. You'll for sure like this one."

     He used the search bar to look up the movie. Once he found it, he clicked on it and hurried back to the couch. Shocking [Y/N], when he sat down, he sat down real close to her and he even swung his arm around her shoulders. He then got a blanket from the other end of the couch and spread it between them. "If any of this makes you uncomfortable at all, just tell me. It's just that people usually like to be warm while watching a movie," he told her.

     Weirdly enough, she didn't feel uncomfortable. She only felt nervous and excited at the same time. She could literally feel the muscles on the arm that wrapped behind her. The warmth that came from Hitoshi seeped back to her again and it felt real cozy. "It's fine. I like it," she replied.

     "Really?" he said. He turned to look at her and his eyes roamed through every little detail of her face. Noticing that, it made her feel exhilirated. When he was done, he sheepishly looked away. "I thought you weren't going to like it and push me away. Thanks! We're going to have way more fun this way!"

     His hold around her tightened and he ruffled her hair with his other hand. She smiled up at him and the two of them returned to watching the movie.

     Except, she didn't pay much attention to the screen in front of her. Sure, her eyes were looking straight at it, but her mind was somewhere else the entire time. She could only think about the boy sitting beside her and why her emotions acted so differently around him than anyone else. She could feel the arm touching her and the beat of her heart. She could only see the brown eyes and the purple hair in the vision of her mind. She could only smell the shampoo that were both used by the boy and her.

     The movie ended before she realized and she blinked as if she had just been snapped out of a daze. "How'd you like the movie?" Hitoshi asked her.

     "It was good," she lied. She felt bad for not watching it at all, since Hitoshi picked it out for her after all.

     He yawned a loud one and pulled his arm back from her. "Movies always makes me so tired," he stated. She nodded and he went to turn the Tv off. "Well...lets go do the last thing on my plan. I'm going to show off my manly cooking skills to you now."

     She grinned and he pulled her up the couch and led her to his kitchen.

     "So you just stay here and watch me do all the cool stuff until my food is ready," he instructed her.

     "Are you sure you don't want me to help you out?" she asked, feeling slightly bad for making him do all the work.

     "Hey! Today's not the day to impress me. It's the day for me to impress you. You'll get your chance another time," he answered as he rummaged around the kitchen, looking for ingredients. She hesitantly sat on the stool near the kitchen counter. He didn't need to try so hard....she was already impressed with him, wasn't she?

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