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     Hitoshi gave Yui a sly smile as the two of them walked out of the mall. The girl blushed and looked down at the ground excitedly. He tried not to roll his eyes. She literally seemed as if she could not stop blushing. At least he was almost there. Soon, he'll be able to get his hands on her.

    He led the poor girl towards his expensive looking car and she stared at it in admiration. They got into the car and he went to turn on the engine. Yui sat in the passenger seat and started to try peer at him discreetly. Which obviously didn't work, because he was getting annoyed with her.

     Before he drove off, he wanted to make sure the girl got the message. She'll think that they'll hook up and while they do that, he could easily kill her. So he shot a smile at Yui and reached out towards her. He gently grabbed her hair and twisted it around his finger. She giggled.

     "I-I....I can't believe you're interested in me at all. This is truly crazy," she told him. "You've never dated anyone in high school right? I was beginning to lose hope and then here you are, now sitting next to me."

     "No, I've never dated anyone. Until now, I never really cared, but you showed me how fucking hot and cute you are. I already like you," he replied in a low voice. He sounded sincere and real to the poor girl, but inside, his heart was clenching hard. It hurt that he was saying these things to another girl other than [Y/N], who should be the only one he says these things to. All year long he wanted to say these words to her. And yet of course, he has to say it to someone else. How could he do that? It felt as if he was betraying her. But it was the only way he could get his revenge.

     Yui blushed crimson and Hitoshi dropped his hand to start driving towards home. While he drove, he hoped that it was going to be an easy and simple ride, but the girl had to ask questions and flirt.

     "So what part of me do you like so far?" she asked him with a seductive smile.

     He wanted to scoff and say nothing, but instead he gave a smile back to her. "Everything."

     He heard the girl sigh happily. "You are so nice and gorgeous and kind and adorable and amazing to everyone. Oh....sorry, does that sound too embarrassing? It's just that I've always wanted to talk to you and now I finally get the chance to."

    "No, of course that's not too embarrassing. Don't worry, you also have a lot of amazing qualities," he chuckled.

     Yui continued to talk some more and Hitoshi was beginning to regret his decision for waiting until home to kill her. If he had just killed her back at the parking lot, then he would not have to endure all this. He shouldn't have given a damn even if someone spots him.

     The long felt ride finally reached to a stop. Hitoshi grabbed the girl's hand and held it. He felt how sweaty her hand became. He stopped himself from snickering.

     He brought her into the house and she looked around the place in amazement. "This place looks so nice," she muttered.

     He ignored what she had said. He wanted to finish this business as soon as possible. "Come on, let's not dawdle any longer," he said huskily. He pushed the girl against the wall and peered at her flustered face.

     "Wow, I didn't know you had such a bad boy in you," she purred.

     That was when he shoved his lips against hers. His body cringed at the feel of her sloppy, wet lips, but he kept going. His heart squeezed when he thought of [Y/N], but this was all for her, so he kept going. The girl moaned in delight and seemed like she was really enjoying it, so he kept going.

     He pulled her away from the wall while still kissing her and opened his eyes. The girl's eyes were closed, so he quietly pulled the dagger from his pocket. He grasped hard on the dagger and plunged the sharp, metal tip of it into the back of her. Her lips stopped moving against his as her body crumpled onto the ground. Hitoshi sneered at the now dead body and wiped his lips roughly in disgust.

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