Talk in a Closet

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     She dropped her jaw and squeezed her fists tightly. She couldn't hold it in anymore. She couldn't hold the emotions within her anymore. Not when he was standing there, right in front of her damn eyes. He somehow found her. Anywhere she would've went, he would find her there.

     Hitoshi's suddenly turned serious at the sight of [Y/N]'s face as he slid into the janitor's closet and closed the door behind him. She was utterly trapped. He was blocking the only way out. They were also in a very tight space. One that made her stand only two feet away from him. She could see the sweat dripping from his purple hair and she could see the dark pretty specks that dotted his brown, warm eyes—

      "What the hell are you doing here?!" she hissed at him, finally breaking the silence. She just couldn't hold it in anymore. Everything he did infuriated her. None of his actions made sense. It really didn't. It didn't make sense why he would always try to help her, when she knew she wouldn't do the same for him.

      His brown eyes widened at her, looking shocked at her outburst. But she also spotted another emotion on his face. He looked slightly pleased as well. Was he happy that she was revealing her emotions to him once again? It only angered her more, which wasn't a good idea since she wanted to hide them again. But she just couldn't help it.

     "[Y/N]," he said. The way her name rolled off his tongue like as if he was treating it like a melody made her hair on her skin rose up. "You weren't at the courtyard, so I came to find you. I spent my whole lunch time trying to find you. I had to run around the entire school."

     "Why didn't you just eat with your friends?" she spat out at him,her eyes throwing daggers at him. She thought he was going to look hurt at what she said or something, but his reaction was entirely different than what she expected.

      "You're finally showing emotions around me," he beamed, showing his shiny, white teeth as he grinned. Her suspicions were correct. She was falling right into his trap. She took a deep breath and stopped glaring at him. His reign over her emotions was over.

     "Let me out of this closet," she demanded him.

     He only smiled and did not move an inch from the door. She gritted her teeth and started glaring at him for the second time. Might as well do things in her own hands then. She moved her body towards him and tried to shove him to the side. But before she could fully shove him, his hand grabbed her arm gently and he pushed her back into the closet.

     "Don't touch me," she snarled. His face showed no emotions. It was as if their roles were switched; she was showing emotions and he was not. "What is wrong with you?! Why did you have to always barge into my life?! Why did it matter so much for you, the popular boy to hang out with me, the outcast?! For no damn reason whatsoever?!" Just like yesterday, tears started pouring out of her eyes. She mentally screamed at herself for being so weak, but she continued crying and broke down onto the ground. "I.....only want to never allow someone to hurt me again. That's all I ask for. I...need....those walls to surround me. W-why do you try so hard to break them down?!"

     She could feel his presence dropping to the ground next to her. She then felt his soft hand touching her head and stroking it. "Because you deserve more than this. You deserve more than living everyday in a life where it doesn't matter to live. It hurts to see you not care about anything. You're intelligent, beautiful and you can be so much more. I want to see you happy. This is why I'm trying so hard," he told her in a low voice.

     Guess his reign over her emotions wasn't over yet...

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