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     [Y/N] entered the school the next day and went straight to her locker. Yesterday, when she came home from school, both of her mother and brother acted different than usual. They didn't seem so care-free as much as before and their faces were shown with worry. Her mother went right to her and told her to come straight home once she finishes school every day. [Y/N] didn't care about that since she didn't like to go anywhere anyway. But she did wonder if this had something to do with Sora....

     She finished retrieving her items from her locker and turned around to see Hitoshi right in front. He also had a worried look on his face.

     "Hi," she said monotonously. Before she could move away from Hitoshi to get to class, he asked her a question. 

     "[Y/N]. Where were you yesterday?"

     She sighed. Hitoshi needed to talk to her less. Because of him, she was slowly showing more and more emotions. Only now that Sora disappeared made her understood that. With emotions, it will only make her life messier.

     "I was at home," she replied curtly.

     Hitoshi suddenly seemed mad at her. His usual, brown eyes narrowed and he glared at her. She stared back, doing nothing. "No you weren't! Stop lying to me!" he accused her.

     "And how would you know? It wasn't like you were there when I was at home," she asked calmly, pinning him down with her look. That made him flinch. He became quiet and didn't bother to open up his mouth again. Then he left the lockers and disappeared from her sight quickly. He didn't say goodbye like he usually would. [Y/N]'s chest felt tightened when he didn't. She wasn't feeling emotions, she told herself. Her chest was probably just suffocated from the amount of people around them. It wasn't because of Hitoshi.

     She entered into the science class and sat down at an empty desk in the back corner. It was away from the other loud students. This was how she liked it. Hitoshi would usually sit next to her and sometimes he would stay quiet for the sake of her. But he probably won't sit with her today. After the outburst he made this morning, she was pretty sure he was mad. But for what?

     She was wrong; Hitoshi entered the classroom and without hesitation, he moved himself to the desk next to hers. Eyes of envy, respect, or love from both boys and girls followed Hitoshi as he sat down. [Y/N]'s eyes widened slightly at Hitoshi's actions, but she frowned when she saw many students staring at them.

     Hitoshi seemed stiff to her, but he didn't seem mad anymore. It took a while for him to finally say something. "'m sorry for getting mad at you earlier....the reason why I was acting that way is because I'm scared for you...I want you to stay safe..." he mumbled.

     "It fine," she said, nodding slowly. She also wondered if this was about the Sora case as well. Why were people getting so worried about her? She was a nobody.

     Hitoshi instantly brightened up when she said those two words. "Really?! Thank you!" he exclaimed, smiling bright at her. She didn't understand how he could get so excited just because of this.

     When the bell rang and the teacher came in, the class grew silent. The teacher started teaching about the human body. When he went to ask questions to the whole class, students raised their hands to answer them. But nobody raised their hands up as much as Hitoshi did.

     As students stared and admired Hitoshi, [Y/N] thought that he was pretty smart in this class. Smart in the only class she cared about.

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