The Game

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     She entered the gym and saw the commotion of bouncing balls. She could see that the basketball players were warming up as she headed up the bleachers and sat down.  She looked down at herself and frowned. Since there was no school today, she couldn't wear her normal attire. Instead, she wore a sweater and leggings. Which felt a little weird to her.

     She looked back up to see the basketball court again. That was when she saw him. Hitoshi's purple hair was flailing around as he dribbled and shot a basket. He made it in.

    She nodded and somehow Hitoshi made eye contact with her. He widened his eyes at her and grinned widely. She still didn't understand why he would be so happy, but she offered a small wave. Then he had to return to his warm ups.

     Soon after, the game started. As [Y/N] watched, she saw them score, dunk, and foul in certain places. She didn't understand the game very well, but when Hitoshi would score, she would clap quietly. Other than that, she did nothing except for sitting and watching.

    When the game finally ended, she stepped down from the bleachers. Hitoshi's team had won.

    There was a large crowd surrounding and she wasn't sure where to go. Suddenly, a hand wrapped around her wrist, so she turned back and saw Hitoshi.

    "Hey [Y/N]! I'm so glad you came today! I feel really happy," said Hitoshi.

    She didn't feel like talking as always, but she probably had to at least say something, right? "You did great out there," she murmured.

    Hitoshi's face beamed at this and he pumped a fist in the air. "Really?!"

    She nodded and then the two of them walked out through the crowds together.

    They reached the boys' locker rooms and Hitoshi excused himself to go shower his sweat off. She stood next to the lockers room and waited. Boys in the basketball team entered and stared at her, but she ignored them.

    Hitoshi finally finished and exited the room. Surprisingly, he was half naked and she could see his bare chest down to his abdomen. He was actually strong and his muscles were the things to prove it.

    She turned away from him and for some reason, her face felt hot. She had never seen a boy half naked before other than her brother, so it was a bit of a shock. She heard a chuckle behind her and she forced herself to look back at him.

    "You like my muscles?" he asked cheerfully. She shook her head and he pouted in disappointment. He then put on his shirt, so that they could leave the school.

    She breathed in the air of the outside world as the two of them walked out of the school's parking lot.

    "Hey," Hitoshi finally said. "Would it be okay if we go to a cafe for a while? It won't be too long."

    [Y/N] thought about it. It wasn't like she would do anything later on today. Might as well just accept. She told him sure and off they went.

    The cafe wasn't that far from the school, so they got there in no time. They sat down at a table and Hitoshi offered to buy and order there drinks. She told him her order and he went to go buy.

    Then she leaned back and looked out the window. She was staring at things, but she was thinking of nothing. Her mind was blank and all she could do was go about her day.

    Hitoshi returned with the drink and gave [Y/N]'s order to her. She took it and dipped on the warm coffee right away. Which was a bad idea, because it had burned her tongue. She looked up to see Hitoshi laughing at her.

    His laughter wasn't real though, it was a laughter of one's thirst.

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