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     [Y/N] walked into the dining room with Hitoshi by her side and looked at the food in front of her. He had made an expensive looking steak for the both of them with a side of fresh salad, tomatoes, and cucumbers. All of it together made it look really fancy and adorable.

     Hitoshi pulled out a chair for her, so she awkwardly sat down on it with a nod of thanks. He beamed at her and sat down in front of her also. "You better be prepared to try my awesome cooking skills," he warned her jokingly.

     "More like prepared to toss it into the trash," she replied before she could even process her thoughts. When both her and Hitoshi realized what she did, they widened their eyes at each other.

     "D-did....did you just joke back at me?" he uttered out, blinking at her in disbelief. She bit her lip and slowly nodded, unsure if he would be happy or not. When his face broke out into a smile, she knew the answer. "Oh my god....this is mind blowing. I think the world had turned upside down. No one thought the day that [Y/N] could joke around was coming. We have to call the police."

     She laughed. "Neither did I."

     They then grew silent, but the silence wasn't one filled of tension or of awkwardness. It was peaceful and relaxing. The two of them were just staring at each other from warm, brown eyes to shiny dark eyes and back. They had small smiles on their faces and their gazes were pulling them in. [Y/N] could feel her heart beat racing as Hitoshi continued to stare at her. She knew that he could see every mistake of her—every flaw that she had started to care about when she hadn't before. She was scared to let him see all that, but she wanted to do the same to him. But...she didn't see any flaws on least in her own eyes.

     When that weird silence passed through them all, Hitoshi snapped out of his dazed look. "Let's get to eating now. I'm starving," he said, turning his eyes to the food.

     She agreed and picked up the knife and fork that sat beside the dish. She then got a piece of the delicious looking meat and tried it. Chewing on it for a few seconds, an irony taste suddenly came out of it and into her mouth. Wrinkling her nose slightly, she forced the chunk down her throat.

     Hitoshi noticed the expression she was making and gave her a worried look. "What's wrong? Did I cook the meat wrong or something?" he asked her.

     She drank some water from the cup in front of her and shook her head once she was done. "It's only a bit too raw for me. That's all," she explained.

     "Oh shit," he cursed, looking angry at himself. "I'm so sorry, I should've asked you how you'd like your meat to be. It's just that I usually always eat my meat pretty raw and bloody and I forgot that youd might like differently."

      "It's okay," she responded. "I can just eat like this. You already made the food for us anyway."

     "No," he insisted. "I'm going cook it the way you like to eat it. I won't allow my special guest to eat something she doesn't like." Before she could start protesting, he stood up from his chair and grabbed her plate. He brought it over to the kitchen and looked back over to her. "How would you like it to be cooked?"

     She sighed. If he was on it already, she might as well go along with it. She had a feeling he won't stop until he knew she was satisfied enough. "Medium done, please," she called to him.

     He nodded eagerly and went to working on her piece of steak. Waiting for a little longer, her eyes drifted off to the steak that was meant for Hitoshi. Blood oozed out of the meat and into a side puddle. She frowned at it. She wondered how a person could eat steak with such a taste. A taste that was a bit too similar to the taste of copper.

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