The Flight

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Today was the day. The day we have been waiting for all year including the summer. We were going to be flying to London, England and I could wait or should I say we couldnt wait.

We arrived at the airport checked in and went through security. We arrived at our gate to board our flight it would be another hour before we took off. I looked at them and smiled. We talked and waited while we were called to board finally we were called. We got our seat and boarded our flight. Strapping our seatbelts to our lap. We waited for the flight to take off. This was going to be a long flight almost a whole day of flying. We decided to try to sleep because of the time difference. It was hard at first because we were so excited.

I woke up before them. We were still in the air. I looked at the time and it was 2 am which ment we were only half way. It would be a couple more hours before we landed. Finally the girls woke up. We were talking before the flight attendant asked us if we wanted anything to eat or drink. I decided on a cup of coffee and the girls decided to have the same as me. We knew that when we landed that it would be 7 am. So it was time to wake up before overslept.

We order our breakfast and drank our coffee. We were getting ready to land soon and we got closer the emotions were over comming us. We could see as the sun rises over the city we could see the outline of all the buildings and the farris wheel over the city.

We finally landed and unbuckled our seat belts. we grabbed our bags and walked off the flight. We headed down to baggage claim to pick up the rest of our bags and to meet a taxi in front of the airport to take us to our hotel. We were so excited. We got into the taxi and our driver drove us to the hotel. Our driver was telling us all about London what to see and what were the best spots we told him that this was our first time and then we couldn't wait. We finally got to the hotel and we tip our driver and thanked him.

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