Were Pregnant

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After trying for several months and feeling let down. I started to feel off and Alan could sense that. I was always tired, sick in the morning, and more. I decided when Alan was at work that I would go and take a test to find out and then tell him. I couldnt wait. I relized just then that I also had missed my monthly by 2 months. So Im guessing im 2 months pregnant at this moment. I took the test and it was positive. I started to cry. I decided to call my doctor and get a more postive test to be sure I was pregnant. It came back as postive and it was really happening. I was 2 months pregnant with Alan's child. He was going to be a daddy. I couldnt wait to tell him.

Alan finally came home from work. He saw me sitting on the couch crying. I was crying hapoy tears. He said "lioness, are you not feeling well. You have been very tired, sick and more. Are you ok? Why are you crying? Is everything ok.

Yeah I said. I moaned as he lifted my feet up and started massaging my feet. I said I found out why all this is happing. "I went to visit my doctor today and that is the surprise I wanted to tell you".

"What is it baby" Alan said as he stroked my hair. He was worried. I started to cry more but happy tears. I smiled as I took his hand and placed it on my belly. It took a couple of minutes to figure out and his eyes got really wide and big and I said "We are going to be parents" "Were going to have a baby". We both started to cry then he asked me how far along and I said 2 months. I told him I wasnt sure if we were having a boy or a girl or if it was going to be twins or just one baby. I was so excited. Then I heard the most amazing and sweetest thing. Alan kissed my belly and said " Hey little one its you daddy. I cant wait to meet you and hold you and I know you momma cant wait either. I love you little one". Next thing I knew I was crying again.

Alan picked me up and carried me to our room. I said "I love you babe" and he said me too. He laid me down on the bed and left to get me a drink from the kitchen. He said ill be back. I said "I'll be waiting for you my Slythern".

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