Our First Date

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Today was the day well the night of my first date and hopefully many more dates with Alan. I woke up this morning to do a workout and then I was going to take a shower or soak in the tub and relax and then maybe go out with the girls for more shopping and lunch before we had to head back for my date. We left the hotel about 11 am and started to go look around the shops and talk to some of the locals. After that we headed to lunch and had lunch. For some reason I was so excited but nervous. All I could think about is my date with Alan Rickman. I mean who can say they went out on a date with Alan.

We headed back to the hotel it was now 4 pm and he was planning on picking me up at 7. I knew with me it was going to take me 2 hrs to get ready and knowing the girls. I knew they would be helping me get ready and so forth. We walked back into our room and I headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I got out and dried off and started to get dressed. I decided to wear a new cocktail dress I bought. The dress went down pass to my knees but not down to my feet. It had a small belt that went around it and a little white jacket.

I started to dry my hair and then curled it. Once that was done. I started to put my shoes on and doing my makeup. I decided not to do to much. By this time it was 6:30 and he would be here soon. Alan text me and said he was on the way. I told him what room I was in and floor and too meet me there. The girls were telling me how amazing I looked and I told them thanks. I started to get butterflies and then it happen it turned 7 and then there was a knock at the door. I opened it and there was Alan to take me out. I smiled at him and he took my hand and walked me out. I told the girls that I would be back later and to have fun and they said the same thing with a laugh. We left and headed to the elevator to our limo that was waiting for us in front of the hotel.

The limo driver open the car door and Alan helped me into the car and then he slid in and the driver closed the door and I asked Alan where we were going and he said it was a surprise. We talked some more about life between my parents and family and his. We talked about our childhood and his acting career. We talked about Harry Potter and how I love his character Severus Snape. I also told him some of my fantasies and how I wish they would have put Hermione and Severus together as a couple and more. He just looked at me and smiled. Finally the limo stopped an he said we are here. The limo driver open the door and Alan stepped out taking my hand and helped me out of the car and all I can say is that I had the biggest smile and shock look on my face.

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