Opening of Harry Potter World FL

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We were finishing packing our last minute things that we needed before we flew out tomrrow for the opening of Harry Potter World in Orlando, FL. The kids were excited and so were we. "Babe you got everything you need for tomrrow." "Yes dear" he said. The kids were asleep already since we would have to get up early for our flight. We had to be at the airport at 6 am since our flight leaves at 8:10 am. The flight would take us 4 hrs before we get to Flordia which would put us around dinner time. The opening of the Harry Potter World wasnt going to happen until Monday and we were planing on spending 14 days in Flordia visiting Disney and the Opening of both Diagon Alley and Hogwarts at Harry Potter which was a 2 day event. It made it more fun since we were having everyone fly out with us and my parents where going to meet us there.

We arrived at the airport got checked in. We went through security and got and escort to our gate where we borded and got ready for our flight. We took off a couple of minutes ago and were finally up in the ait.

After 4 hrs. We arrived in Orlando Flordia. The flight was good and most of us slept on the plane. We arrived as the flight landed and we got off. We got and escort again to get all got our luggage and headed out of the airport to our cars that were waiting for us. We found a resturant close to the hotel we were staying at. It was nice of have all the cast his parents and my parents all together eating dinner to gether. We all sat down and ate dinner my parents included. We finished dinner and tryed to headed back to the hotel. Being stopped by fans who wanted to get pictures and autographs. We took some pictures and gave some autographs before we had another escort back to our cars and back to our hotel to get some sleep cause we had a very long day the next day.

We arrived at our resort it was beautiful. We ended up spliting 4 suites. We had our own. One for all the guys, another one for the girls, and then one for our parents to share. Once we got all settled in we went to bed and fell asleep. We woke up the next day feeling refreshed. We got ready got our bags pack for what we needed for the day and headed down to beeakfast and the park. We got our schedules as well. It was simular to the Harry Potter World back at home. I couldnt wait neither the kids and Alan. We had the whole morning and evening before the evening which was the start of the opening and fireworks. The cast, crew and family of the cast and crew were aloud to ride the rides and see everything first hand before everyone else. Alan and I were in shock because of how awesome it looked like. It look exactly like the set on the show everything about it screamed Harry Potter. Not that seeing it the first time when we went to the opening in California wasnt the same it was but its been a while since we got to experence this. Me and Alan got on the first ride Exscape from Gringotts before we checked out the stores and shows they had. As well as his hide out and secrete place where in hung out as his character in one of the movies Knock Turn Alley. We took tons of pictures of us as a family there, us as a couple and of us with the cast and crew. After riding all morning it was noon so we decided to try lunch at the Leaky Cauldron. We took more pictures and drank butter beer and hanging out together. It was nice just for the two of us to spend time together. The kids wanted to spend time with the cast and so we let them for a little while we spent some time alone. Our first stop after lunch was Knock Turn Alley. His hide away in the movie. It was awesome that they made it look like the one in the movie plus it also was dark so no one could see us do what I wanted to do for a while since we got there. I pushed him up against the wall and made out with him kissing him passionately while no one watched. It felt amazing.

We finished up and left to go ride the train to the other side of the park and other rides before coming back at the castle opening. There was a plan for a two day opening event to open both parks. Tonight was Diagon Alley and tomrrow Hogwarts. Plus two nights of fireworks. So I knew the kids would love it. Finally it was night time and the start of the show. It went off with no problems. We had our panal including us to anwser media and fans questions. We had bloopers and pranks that we talked about that both happen on set on the movies plus on stage tonight. We also had some pranks pulled on stage as well on us which was interesting. Finally it was closing time and the fireworks. It was so romantic. I kissed him and he kissed me back as we watched them together. It was about 11 pm by the time all this was over and it was time to head back to the hotel and get some sleep. The kids were asleep already. We kissed each other good night and fell asleep.

We woke up for day number two feeling refreshed. Did the same routine as day one. Rode other rides. And just repeated the same that we did but went to a different spot for lunch and dinner. Ended the night the same. With questionairs, fireworks and more followed by sleep and getting ready for the next day which was finally time to go to Disney.

We arrived back to our hotel and fell asleep awaiting another long day this time visiting Disney World. We woke up this morning and got ready for Disney everyone was excited. Not only was I a huge Harry Potter fan and married my favorite teacher and actor but a huge Disney fan. I loved every disney movie ever created. We were walking to Belle's town in Beauty and the Beast in Disney and I started singing her song in the town. Everyone was looking at me while I sang it. Some of the parts and the reprise part that she sings in. Everyone clapped and smiled at me. Told me how good I was. Alan took my hand and spun me to him and kissed me telling me how much he missed my singing. Telling me I was his always. We visit other little areas of Disney and solve some shows. Then we had lunch. While eating Alan looks at me and saids "Babe you should sing some more." I knew how much he missed me singing. I said back to him "I know". I remember when we were dating how I use to sing all the time before kids how I would be singing in the house and kitchen and any where else. I still sing once in a while to put the kids to sleep.

After lunch we walked around more took more pictures and enjoyed our time until it was time to come back to the hotel and fall asleep.

Today is the last day we got to explore so much and I cant wait to head home. I think we all are. It was a great time to spend with everyone. We were flying back tonight so we decided to do one more stop in downtown Disney/Universal to check out all the things there before we flew back home that night.

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