Family Excited and Planning

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Well today is the day we tell everyone one. And surprise or not that the fact the kids are almost one and Im getting ready for my third set. Alan and I are so happy to tell everyone especially our children. With the twins only being one it might be intresting simce they are still young. But our first set will totally be happy for more brothers and sisters.

I showed my husband our ultrasound and he had this look upond his face when he found out that we were having twins again. Iove him so much. His face was priceless. "Aww baby really" he said. And I said yeah. Two more babies for us. And who know whats else is instore.

We were almost finished and people were starting to come over. Friends, family, neighbors, and more to come celebrate this day. They was we plan on this going is that we were going to announce the pregnancy of us becoming pregnant and that its twins but we all dont know including us on the gender of the babies. I cant well we cant wait to find out what we are having.

I know some of our family thinks it twins and they want both a boy and a girl. Some want it to be both boys and other want it both girls. For me and Alan we dont care. We already know we are having twins but not the genders. So I cant wait to announce this. 

Today is the party and everyone is here. We decided to do cakes and cupcakes as well. We have the envelope that will tell us what we are having and everyone is excited. We call them to the front of the table. The kids beside us and Alan behind me with his arms wrapped around me as we cut the cake. But before we do we tell them not only that were expecting but with twins again. Our 3rd set but we dont know what we are having so we are going to find out. One the count of 3 we are going to cut the cake. One, two, three as we cut the cake all we could do is scream laugh and smile as we look down to see that we were having twin girls. Our daughter was finally going to have sisters. Since the last twins were boys and it was three against one. Shes so happy. We are so happy. Alan omg the look on Alan's face seeing him with two more girls. I cant even imagine he loves his girls. They are his world. His sons to but his girls mean everything to him. I cry when I see how happy he is. He looks up and sees me comes over and kisses me with so much passion. He looked at me and said "Babe 2 girls now we are all tied up and Rebecca now will not be the only girl anymore." I smaile at him and kiss him again telling hime how much I love him. How happy we all are. Then finally closes with lots of celebration and then we all head up for bed to sleep.

Mr. And Mrs. RickmanWhere stories live. Discover now