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22 years later. A lot has happen. I couldnt imagine my life without this amazing man, my husband and children's father. The love I have for him who not only love and married me but help me bring our 8 children into the world naturally and getting me pregnant. I couldnt have asked for more. Our children are all grown up and having or have children of there own.

Our oldest set are 38 years old with a family of their own. Alan Jr followed after his father footsteps and graduated from UCLA to become a actor. He married Kaite a sweet amazing girl from college and they had four children. 2 girls Sarah and Angela and 2 boys Seth and John. Katie became a stay at home mom but also did her own home business as a 31 consultant. The next one was Rebecca she did a mix of both of us. She went to college at California State and graduated with a degree in acting just like her father and brother but she also got one in writing and literature like her mom aka me. She became a writer for movies and tv shows. She also became a actor and director filling in as well when needed and also movies and TV shows that she started writing for. She is also writing her first book with all of this going on and planning a book release in the next coming year. She also started a blogging site as well with all of her adventures that she doing. She ended up marrying Bruce Willis son Josh and they have 5 children 3 boys and 2 girls. The boys Brandon, Joe, and Conner and the girls Alyssa and Lauren.

Our second set turned 34 years old started their family as well. Matthew and Kyle both came out gay to us when they were 22 years old. They both graduated California State both when into business. When they came out we were shocked to say the least but still loved them no matter what. We were happy for both of them. Matthew ended up marrying my husband coworker and friend Daniel Radcliff who ended up becoming our son in law. Which wasn't a shock to us. But when Dan came out to the world with the news that not only was he dating but marrying my son Matthew. The world was shocked but accepted them after a couple of months. Kyle soon followed and married Jonas a doctor from Baltimore who did his rotation at The Univeristy of Maryland Shock Trauma Center before moving to California and started working at ceiders sini Medical Center in LA. He now works at UCLA David Medical Center and is also the Director of Special Medical Services. Matthew and Daniel adopted a small family of 5 as well 3 girls Amanda, Lisa, Amy followed by 2 boys Marcus and Andrew. Matthew took after his father and brothers even though he went into business. Daniel and him started their own non-profit organization to help adopted children into transition with parents of the LGTB community. Kyle helps out at the center with his brother and brother in law as well as co-owns with them. Him and Jonas talked about adopting a group of siblings like his brother and brother in law this time from an orphanage from another country at an organization from the hospital where his husband works at. Four months later they picked up and adopted the sibling trio 2 boys and 1 girl. With that they were adopting the siblings 2 of them who were special needs. Of the boys Toby and Jacob
Jacob was one of the siblings that needed help the other was the little girl Grace. They were happy to be coming home to a new family and we couldnt wait to meet them as well.

Our 3rd set of twins turned 27 years old. Graduated from college and started their own families. Megan graduated from Berkeley College. She got a degree in writing management and liture. She followed after me and her sister. She became a blogger and joined a writing firm who writes blogs and celebrity stories ect. She just started writing her first book just like her mom sister and me. And will be coming out soon as well. She met Steven the assistant director of the company and started dating for almost a year. Before getting engaged and married. They have 1 girl Amanda and they are expecting another little girl next year who's name will be Joy. Courtney graduated from Southwestern College got her degree in fire science and join the fire academy to become a paramedic/firefighter. She graduated from the academy and join the ranks and became the best. She fell in love and married another one of her fathers coworkers Tom Felton. Her and Tom surprised us when decided to have 8 children this was one of the bosses families in our family. They had 3 biological and adopted 5 others in total it was 5 girls and 3 boys. They named the girls Amelia, Lindsay, Michelle, Lucy, Emily. And the boys were Kevin, Joel, and Tristan. Tom is still acting and spending time with his family and our family. Him and my husband are like best friends and are always hanging out with each other either talking about life, family or work or all three.

Finally our last set of twins the kids call them the babies of the group. Josh and Bethany turned 22 years old. Bethany graduated from nursing school in California and became nurse in a local trauma center. Where she met fire captain Gregory Conner or greg for short. The two hit it off and got married. They had 6 children 2 boys and 4 girls. The boys Ryan and Jason and the girls Carley, Hannah, Marci, Brycelyn. Josh graduated California state as well like his siblings got his masters and followed in his brothers foot steps in business. He works at an executive firm in LA. He married his co-worker Sarah Little and they had 4 children 2 boy and girls. Jack and Luke for the boys and Alexa and Angel for the girls. After the kids were born Sarah left and became a stay at home mom and loves what she does. I dont where to start. I love my family and our grandbabies. God had blessed me and our family so much. He blessed me with an amazing, wonderful and sexy husband. A wonderful marriage of 40 years and 8 children, 37 grandchildren 20 granddaughters and 17 grandsons. Seeing Alan with our children well grown children and there spouses and also their grandchildren playing with them and hanging out with them is so cute. Reminds me of him with our children when they were our grandchildren's age. Our grandchildren are obsessed with their poppy and always wanted to come over and visit us and him. Alan and I have retired now and continue to spend our time with not just our family and ourselves but our grandkids. After 40 years of marriage we are still madly and deeply in love with each other and have no problems sharing it to our children and grandchildren. We also still have an awesome amazing sex life and drive after all this time. He still dress to impress me in my favorite character of Severus Snape. All of our children and grandchildren love him dress up that way but I love him more for that because that's when our sex side comes out. We never move and still living in the same state as all of our children and grandchildren. Alan is still my slytherin and I'm still his gryffindor.

Oh I forgot to mention this since we really didnt talk alot of this in my story but my friends Rachael, Hannah, Elise, Megan, and Elisa. All found love. Hannah met and married Dan they have a little girl name Elise. They also made me a god mother. Rachael met fell in love and married a man name Collin. They have a little girl name Alaina. Megan fell in love and married a man name Troy. They have. 2 children a girl name Josephine and a boy name Jace. Last but not least Elisa fell in love and got married to a man name Kevin and the have twin boys name Luke and Mike.

                                              THE END

Well this is it. Its finally finish and I never thought I could get this done being one of my first stories I wrote not to mention many more. To come. I hope you enjoyed this and please comment like share ect. Let me know what u think.

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