Birth of Megan and Courtney

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Well today is the day my 3rd set is ready to make their apperence. O feel like a champ at this. It feels normal for me. I feel like ive done this thousands of times but this eill be my third time with twins. Once again I wake up early in the morning with contractions. Having lots of contractions. I woke Alan up and he kissed me helping me through everything. He started timing them as well. I had been having them on and off through out the night. My water broke at 6 am and I labored until 2 pm. Alan was once again right by my side helping me through everything and so was my oldest set our daughter Rebecca so happy that shes getting two sisters. My 2nd set stayed with Alan's parents. My parents flew down 3 days earlyer to help out. After birthing my 2nd set and not using the pool and just using the bed. We decided that we were going to use the pool again. It help so much better with that then not using it. But we also left the other option open as well. We called our birth team and they came. They were the same team that has been apart of our family from day one. 

We were once again surprised that we were getting ready to give bith to our 3rd set of twins and that they were both girls. We started to fill the pool with hot water in transition for the birth and help with the contractions. We started our normal routine like we did the last time to speed up the birth and with the water being broken already it wouldnt be long. I could feel pressure and pain as the labor intestify. We walked around the house and the back of our porch. Alan holding me as we walked and stopped when needed to because of a contraction. After a couple of minutes we were ready to go into the birthing pool. Once again both of us stripped naked together and got in the pool. I love the feeling of us together having skin to skin contact while I was laboring. I knew that i'm sure my oldest twins didnt want to see us like this lol. But we were both in the pool the warm to hot water helping me through all of this. Alan helping me control my breathing and coaching me. Alan started to massage my belly, back and sholders. Just like I thought it was 1 pm and I had made really good progress. I was now and 8 and had 2 more cm to go. We continue to birth some more in the pool. Alan taking a small cup and using the water pouring it over my sholders and belly. I started to feel more pressure and like I needed to push. So she checked me again and I was finally at a 10. She told me I could start pushing and so I did. I knew it was going to be really quick. I leaned back against his chest and started to push bringing my legs back towards him and pushing through my bottom as the next contraction hit. Loving the light chest hair on my back brushing against him as I labored. Alan grabbed my legs as I brought them back again and held on to them as I labored and pushed. Once again pushing for 10 each time. I could also feel the pressure and burning again as I could feel the head inside me coming down and sliding out. The ring of fire I was feeling was only short when her head popped out. I gave one more push and she slid out completely. We had our 2nd girl and all of us were crying. Alan called for Rebecca to come in so she could take her baby sister and hold her and get to bond with her while I got ready to give birth again to Courtney our other girl.

Rebecca crying as she met her sister as well. Welcome to the world Megan Annaelise Rickman. Mommy and daddy love you so much. I felt more pressure and it was time for me to deliver the our other girl. Megan and Rebecca's sister. I knew Courtney was coming soon. I had to push again and Alan grabbed my legs again and helped me give birth. Alan said "Babe your doing great, your doing it." I could feel the pressure and burning again. The next contraction I pushed again. Alan said "Push, push baby push, good girl, thats a girl, push baby push, go baby go, go babe thats its." Hearing him coach me like that helping me gave me the strenght to push our other daughter. Amy told us it wouldnt be long and she would be here. The head was showing. She said one more big push and I did. I took a deep breath and pushed using all my breath. Alan coaching me telling me "Go baby go, babe I can see the head shes almost out continue to push. She's coming she's righ here." Alan still crying tears of joy at seeing me give birth again and she was out. Alan cut the cord again. The twins were in all seeing their new siblings. Me and Alan looked at each other and then at her and said welcome to the world Courtney Amanda Rickman. We finally had our twin girls now three girls in our home. I started  to breast feed the twins as they were getting hungry. We got into bed. Alan got dressed and helped me to get dressed a little before we decided to get pictures. We took another family photo of us and the new twins before we got our other set of twins together. And made our announcement on our social account with the caption that said "Welcome our 3rd set of twins. Our beautiful girls. Megan Annaelise Rickman and Courtney Amanda Rickman both born today on June 4th 2017 at 2 pm. Megan weighing at 9 lbs 8 oz and 30 inches and Courtney at 2:30 pm weighing at 8 1/2 lbs 6 oz and 30 inches. Once again proud parents. I love this even though its hard work and tiring its an adventure in its self. I cant wait to do this again. I know I cant belive im saying this. Who knows I might get another set. We do want to try later down the road for one more. But right now we are enjoying life and as a family. Plus I love this man with all my heart and im in love with this man who help created these wonderful babies. We all fell asleep as a family. Before the twins would wake up again for another feeding.

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