Birth Of Josh and Bethany

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I can't believe we are at it again. Like I said in my last pregnancy I wanted to try for one more and found out that we are having our forth set of twins. Today was just another day in the life of the Rickman family and I can't wait to deliver our last and final set of twins. We had a feeling that it was going to be one boy and one girl again and once again I was going to do it naturally and to say I gave birth to 8 kids naturally is insane but I did it. This has been a crazy wild and amazing journy. Like all of my pregnancies I always manage to go into labor late at night or early in the morning. I started my normal routine of walking around the house this time, using a labor ball and using some new techniques as well as using the birthing pool. We started to fill the labor pool or birthing pool up with water like we had done in the past with warm to hot water so I could get in. I started to contract and my water had not broke yet.

We were just getting started. After an hour of walking around I started to feel more pressure and pain in my lower back after walking around and was using the ball while Alan started rubbing my back. My water finally broke and Alan helped me in the pool after he got in. My breathing labor and once again both of us naked together the feeling of his skin and my body against his made it fell amazing and relaxing. We knew this pregnancy was going to come fast and wasnt going to have alot of time before I started to go into full labor and began to push.

Amy checked me as I laid against his chest and said that I had progressed from 2 cm to 8 cm in four hours. I was so happy, we were so happy. I couldnt wait. Amy said in the next 2 to 3 hrs I would be having these babies. Thats how fast this labor was compared to all of my other pregnancies. It wasnt 2 hrs later that I had progressed to 10 cm and was ready to pushed. Amy told me to go ahead and push. I took a deep breath in and started to pushed with all I had to deliver this baby. Alan still holding my hand as I countinue to lay against his bare chest helping me through labor and the contractions. "Good girl babe, push babe he's right there." I was getting tired. I grabbed my legs again and Alan helped by grabbing my other one. Pushing my legs back towards me as I pushed my son out. Amy said push again so I took a deep breath and then pushed. She could see the head. The burning continued. He started to slide out and I could feel him. He finally came out and Amy said that we had a baby boy. He was quite so we had to get him to cry. He started to cry but he was healthy. I put my legs down and held him for the first time before they took him to clean and dry him off.

I was able to catch my breath before I delivered my 2nd child. I kissed my son as me and Alan both cried happy tears. Welcome to the would Joshua Anthony Rickman. Amy took our son and got him clean up, dried, changed and fed before coming back and help us. It was a long but fast emotional day and we were getting ready to birth our last child. I was so tired. It was time to push out our 2nd baby. Alan helped me. Coaching me as I took another breath and begain to push again. "Babe, you have to push for us. I know your tired. You need to push our little girl out our little Bethany." "But i'm so tired" I said. "I know you are babe. Just 2 more pushes babe." I did just that. He continue to help and coach me he was an amazing husband through all this. I pushed one more time and our little girl was finally out. I could feel her slip out of me. Our little girl is crying really loud now. Our little Bethany. After everything Alan help me get out of the pool and we got dressed and into bed. Our children shared the same names of our parents and grandparents except Alan Severus Rickman Jr. He took his father's name and his father's movie character. We always knew when we first got pregnant that we wanted to name him that if he was a boy and to name him after his daddy and his mommy's favorite character. We talked about how this was going to be our last pregnancy. We didn't want to try to have anymore. We had re children and our perfect little family. In the coming weeks after I recovered that we were going to go back to the doctor and become sterile. This was going to be our last birth announcement. I Christian on social media with two pictures this time one with us and the twins like with all of our children and the other one with us and the whole family including the new twins. With the caption that said " we welcome our last and final set of twins. Joshua Anthony Rickman and Bethany Michelle Rickman birth born on April 22nd 2019. Joshua at 4 p.m. at 6 lb 12 oz and 41 in and Bethany at 5 p.m. at 5 lb 10 oz and 22 in. I can't believe this is it. Our first set are teenagers now and our youngest not including our newest set of twins just turned one. I started to cry and Alan kissed me and wiped my tears away with his thumb and finger. We all fell asleep as a family.

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