Continue Pregnancy

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Well today marks that I'm 7 months pregnant with our twins. We had just arrived home from our apt to find out what we were having and how everything waa doing with this pregnancy. It turns out the the babies are going to be twin boys. We already have names and everything else. I cant wait to meet them and Alan is in love with them already. He cant wait to have 2 more sons to add to the family.

Of course there are days that I'm ready to get this over because I'm always tired ect. Pretty much the normal effects but the postives with this pregnancy is my sex drive goes up and I mean way up and we are always having sex one way or another. The other thing is how well Alan takes care of me through my preganacy. Rubning my bavk, feet, and more. He's an amazing husband, father and my favorite Slythern.

We were getting closed to delivery soon I only had 2 more months before I went into labor. About a week ago. Our family and friends threw us and amazing baby shower for the twins at our LA home and it was wondeful since our place with big and of corse we had the pool for us and all the kids to get in. And us spending time and getting ready for these to arrive.

Alot of them stayed till 1 am. And we just party through out the night and then left so it was just us. Alan picked me up and carried me into the pool as we both got in. My legs wrapped around his my head and face on his sholder and the crack of his neck while we danced in the pool and took so more time together before these two came. It was so romantic. He kissed me and started to sing to me again. And we would take turns even though I was starting to loose my breath and become breathless with this pregnancy. But it was a perfect night and surprisingly no need for sex at the moment and time just love and the feeling of closeness.

Last night was perfect and I could ask for better. Great turn put of our fanily friends and more. One of another best romantic nights with us alone in the pool. And now the babies are kicking up a storm. They love hearing their fathers voice. Especially when daddy decides to talk in his professor voice. I can see hes already going to gain 2 more Slytherns. Our other two want to be Raven Claw and Griffindor like her mom. So we shall see.

I see Alan walk to me as we are getting ready for bed. Him shirtless with boxers on and me with a tee and underwear and no bra on. He climbs in and we just talk about today. I tell him how about how the babies were kicking today and missing your voice. He took his hands and started rubbing my belly and talking to them.

"Hey babies, its daddy. I cant wait to meet you and hold you. Your momma and me love you guys so much. You continue to stay in there and grow. You guys still have 2 more months to go." I hear Alan say. I got tears in my eyes I love watching hin interact with them in my belly and talking to them its so cute. And hes such an active father. He continue to talk to them as they continue to kick me and him. This time Alan changed his voice to Snape and then it was a party lol. We finally got them settle before it was time to go to bed who would know that a month early they would come.

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